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His hair got more clout than any character including himself

Ah. created a topic of Payback

This was a religious experience

Ah. created a topic of Kill Me If You Can


Ah. created a topic of Gig of the Day

The most unrealistic thing in this manhwa is that Yeomin is somehow still single

Ah. created a topic of Jinx

There were also good times? Bestie when?? I love the author retconning some semblance of a decent relationship, do they think we were asleep? Lmaoo

Ah. created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

Girl be fr he looks the same

Ah. created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
Ah. created a topic of Gig of the Day

I will actually turn his skin inside out

Ah. created a topic of Believe My Sign

Shut up they're so cuuuteee

Ah. created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

I guess she's just able to bend time and space to her will on a chill Wednesday afternoon

Ah. created a topic of Gig of the Day

If he does anything bad to MC i will fuck him the fuck up. You're safe Mr. Dimple... for now

Ah. created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Omg i feel like I'm intruding

Ah. created a topic of Megane, Tokidoki, Yankee-kun

Make them kiss while Ichikura is crossdressing you fucking cowards

Ah. created a topic of Nomi×Shiba

I can't believe i haven't heard of this before. The cozy vibe!! The fun recurring side characters!! The adorable leads!! The setting feels so alive somehow, it's so good

Ah. created a topic of Believe My Sign

My guy is immune just you wait