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Yuli created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

mans finally realized his feelings after loitering his bf’s house and buying a new bed.

Yuli created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

okay slay for the side couple for overcoming there stuggles

Yuli created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

mans is talking about revenge but somehow that got lost in translation and now hes buying a bed for his bf

Yuli created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

the plot is is really plotting. Like what do you mean the chairman(owner??? I forgot who he was) is her next door neighbor and first love???

oh so thats why there talking as if it was dangerous to live in the capital bc she could’ve been the queen. Thats probably why they also sent the assassin for mc because they want to threaten the duchess from ever going back and possibly becoming queen.

Yuli created a topic of Rosalyn Bogarte

omg too much is going on man

lots of yapping but a really cute story….if you ignore the killing part…

he gone say the most angelic shit about fl, so they aint gotta worry about nothing!!

Yuli created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

damm all them bitches from school are fake and pink haired girl deserved that shit honestly. like girly was out here acting delulu over what.

omg when will that lady delota girly scramm, like at this point she is an unwanted roach thats living freely in your house and always appears to he following you at random.

girl byee, I bet that black haired girly bought herself that broach just to lie and brag about the duke gifting it to her.

Yuli created a topic of Jinx

the black haired dude better be crawling at mc’s feet by the end of this webtoon…. because man is so disrespectful. like this dude needs a reality check for how he treats people.

honestly slayyy for the main characters!!! like who just goes into another world and in 10 chapters they already have a plan on dominating….

Yuli created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

blondie needs to chillll… acting like hes such a hater but we all know he down for that man!!!

those guards better count there days cause who are you to arrest the ml just for looking scary!!!

Yuli created a topic of Free in Dreams

hey if there both happy, Im happy. I support!!! but I literally called it last chapter and said how mans is gonna come back crawling and look what he does.

Yuli created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

we all know this man’s gonna come back begging once he does his little plan. be fr!!