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sorry i have a crush on him ummmm

suburban girl answered question about make a picrew
me and elliott from stardew valley lollll

ohhhh stupid idiot

white girl with a katana and japanese girl with an ak. life is beautiful

ooooh pretty boy got felt up too hard

i caaaaant with you little horse boy

noooo hes gonna fuck that horse

im like him if he was just a guy

suburban girl answered question about going to concerts
it makes me so angry whenever i see like "tribal jungle man warrior" x some kinda pasty person esp when the author is appropriating real indigenous culture. like all white saviors go to hell and everytime i see it allll the comments are in love with it every single one of them will die horrendous deaths. also when someone forgives their rapist imme......
suburban girl asked a question

i lost a manhwa, basically the plot is like this guy gets reincarnated into this manhwa he likes but as a mob character and he spends a lot of the beginning of the story trying not to become irrelevant to the story because he'll die or something, he's friends with this little blond girl with a ponytail and he might be kind of ugly but idk

ive been gay this whole time

thank u localization i wont forget what youve done for our community

damn bitch they're having a 3way????

suburban girl asked a question

does anyone have any manipulative seme x kinda stupid or pathetic uke recs lol

are there any real games like the one here??? i always see manhwa about games like this and they look soo fun and i wanna play them but whereeeee

suburban girl asked a question

i need help finding this one manga :( the mc is a guy who thinks hes really cute and his best friend is always telling him he is, but he overhears his best friend telling his friends that he thinks he's just average and crazy communication issue hijinks occur and the mc starts getting really insecure. then they fall in love and stuff pleaaase help me find it ╥﹏╥