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vinnie January 20, 2017 4:38 am

It's about high school students or university students, anyways!
One, we'll call him character A, dresses all nerdy at school to not attract any attention because he's actually a host. He always gets picked on by this really popular guy, character B, and said popular guy goes to his work to try to become a host. He doesn't recognize character A because he's not dressed all nerdy and immediately falls in love, but character A doesn't want him to get a job there or find out who he really is.

    zephyr4 January 20, 2017 8:58 am

    Sounds a bit similar to this one but he's not a host ?

    vinnie January 21, 2017 1:46 am
    Sounds a bit similar to this one but he's not a host ? zephyr4

    Unfortunately it's not this one, thank you for suggesting one though!: )

    zephyr4 January 21, 2017 10:59 am
    Unfortunately it's not this one, thank you for suggesting one though!: ) vinnie

    I hope you find the one you're looking for :)

vinnie July 29, 2016 12:44 am

Hello! I am looking for a yaoi about two best friends that like to kiss in front of people to see their reactions. But, lately they have started kissing and doing other stuff when people aren't around. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

vinnie June 29, 2015 4:40 pm

Hi, hoping that someone can help me figure out which Yaoi manga this is:
Okay, so, when they were little characters, A and B is how I'll refer to them, character B was moving and character A wanted to give him a kiss as a goodbye. Character B laughed and told him that was gay. Years later character A is in high school and character B transfers there. They go to an all boys school, and character B blackmails him to do sexual stuff with him or else he'll out him.

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