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nico di angelo followed a goer
24 04,2024
nico di angelo followed a goer

Busy in my own world.

I only read Yaoi and Shounen ai.

Aomine Daiki Iski <3

23 04,2024

488 people did   /   34 want to do

nico di angelo followed a goer
30 03,2024
nico di angelo followed a goer

I was never here

03 03,2024
nico di angelo followed question about question

Post your selfies and rate eachother in the comments!! (Not responsible if you get cyberbullied)

03 03,2024
nico di angelo followed question about question

Post your selfies and rate eachother in the comments!! (Not responsible if you get cyberbullied)

03 03,2024
nico di angelo created a topic of One-Armed Amy

My eyes are all sweaty now

nico di angelo created a topic of Eleceed

Im sorry but the first thing that came to my mind was erectile dysfunction, yall are probably right aboutit being kayden tho

nico di angelo like the answer
Monster by Skillet idk why 9 yro me was addicted to that song, my emo ass would play that shit everyday. THE SECRET SIDE OF MEE ILL NEVER LET YOU SEE I KEEP IT CAGED BUT I CANT CONTROLL ITTT SO STAY AWAY FROM ME THE BEAST ISS UGGLYYYYY
nico di angelo recommended a photo (from Cuteness)

I love all these albums