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Roky's experience ( All 0 )

Roky's answer ( All 13 )

about question
THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED a man who fights of colonisation while writing poetry a very intelligent hunk of a man who is a simp I am an arab i grew up reading middle eastern history WHILE reading what they have sent to their wives and lovers AND THAT...THAT...ruined me it ruined me It didn't help when i started reading historical iseaki that had like ......   2 reply
29 02,2024
about question
Roky 29 02,2024
Damn i thought this was a recommend it all but i will stay say plz plz plz listen to a women named fairouz i am middle Eastern and we love her she just has great classy songs like aloula and kaifik and addeysh kan fy nass Just try it plz   1 reply
29 02,2024
about question
I want a man to fight colonisation while writing poetry to me a bug intelligent man that is obessed with is 6 am i haven't slept yet and i don't feel real rn don't mind me   reply
26 02,2024
about question
Roky 10 02,2024
May your friend rest in peace and hope you have a happy life As someone who had suicide attempts sometimes us ourselves aren't sure it isn't something you plan exactly atleast to some and when we reach out the people around us they aren't sure themselves and think we won't do it or we are just acting so to us it's like...are we actually? Or are we ......   reply
10 02,2024
about question
I am gonna be honest with yall...all this site did was give me truma and access to things i shouldn't have seen or read and i once saw a real ripped stomach in this asking space and people gettinv doxxed so umm...ya   1 reply
10 02,2024

Roky's question ( All 2 )

I read this while i was sick so it's literally a fever dream I don't even remember it's name but my friend likes to do this thing where they would recommend me something and say it's good but then turns out to be an absolute nightmare of a thing
One of them being this one which was of a girl trying to kill herself but then instead becomes the soul of the guy who saved her which was her brother's bestfriend (one of the reasons she hates life is cuz of her brother by the way also he doesn't know that she took over his body also the bestfriend is now dead ig) later on her father tries to assault her while she is in the brother's bestfriend's body. Her brother helps but then confesses his feelings and sleeps with him?? Her?? It was so incesty on her part she was creepy and everything was just weird
But that's not all the father stalks them and there was also murder and mystery in the back that didn't make sense it was just weird
30 12,2023
I have been reading them and as an arab and as a muslim. brothey know nothinggggg. I have seen one of them being like skhia farouq or something AND BROTHER HE WAS ANYTHING BUT A SKHIA. And it's not like they are stopping them anytime soon they are increasing and like there is this one manhwa called "his dictatorship" honestly i hate it wtf just what WHO ARE MAKING THESE
30 12,2023