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airingela add 1 photos to Random

The iv drip tube getting filled with blood is actually a neat detail lol

airingela created a topic of Bad Thinking Diary

Gak uke di bl, gak femme di gl, kenapa musti sama2 naive dan bego si. Malah jd kasian si yuna sama cowok yg deketin dia.

Btw gw gak paham napa ni gl populer bgt. Padahal imo ceritanya kek bl2 pada umumnya tp versi gl. Mana ceritanya bikin frustrasi lg hhhhhh. Mungkin gl emang bukan buat gw wkwk. Kalo artnya sih jujur bagus bgtt.

airingela add 1 photos to Lol
airingela add 1 photos to Cute
airingela created a topic of Hitorijime My Hero

Gotta reread the stories ig sigh

airingela created a topic of Vanilla flavour, please!

I need side stories

airingela created a topic of Tokyo Joukyou Monogatari

I took a glance at the cover and I immediately knew it was the twins

I'm surprised that this is not actually bad considering the rate is kinda low. There's no rape, not even a dubcon (well there's a bit but the seme stopped right away). I guess people just don't like that the seme was a manwhore? Idk but I think he's one of the greenest flag seme imo. He just want a free sex life. It's not like he cheats or anything.

Also, I love how the seme doesn't mind that everyone thinks of him as the bottom lol

Bruh how do all yaoi characters always get busted jerking off? Who tf would masturbate in an office??? I mean even if it's late, I don't think any sane person would dare to do it without locking the damn door smh

airingela created a topic of Gakeppuchino Darling Boy

Gosh the uke is so fucking stupid. The seme has given his advices in the beginning. If only he listened to him, but nooo, he went to him again to get fucked bc he thinks that's the secret to be the number one host. Atp I don't even consider the seme manipulative, he just gives OBVIOUS hints but the uke has to be oblivious about them smh

Yaoi characters masturbating after locking the door challenge (impossible)

The glasses guy loves his friend, doesn't he?