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sofia2723 October 26, 2017 3:00 am

It's about a recently homeless uke, and a seme who can't sleep.

I think the uke's place had to be renovated because of something, and so he ends up homeless for the time being. His friend offers him a place, which ends up to be his older brother's place. The older brother(seme) is a famous professor/writer. Anyways, the seme was indifferent to the uke, but wasn't completely heartless, so he allowed to uke to stay in his place. The seme has insomnia, and he discovers that he can sleep if he sleeps with the uke next to him. I also remember that the uke became the seme's assistant because the seme was a professor at his school.

sofia2723 October 10, 2017 2:05 am

Hi everyone! I'm looking for a yaoi manga.
It's about two "friends", anyways they're friends but low key rivals lol. They always go to goukons together to score girls, and this is kind of a game they play. Anyways, one day I can't remember how, but they ended up in a love hotel, and the seme was like you're gonna be the substitute for the girl that I was supposed to score tonight, and proceeded to top the uke XD.
The uke and the seme goes to the same college btw,
I believe the uke was in engineering, and the seme was in law.

Thanks in advance!

sofia2723 September 29, 2017 5:23 am

Hi everyone!
This manga is about a normal office lady who is suddenly faced with the fact that she's engaged with a really amazing person. I believe the person is the CEO of the company she works at (not sure?). I think this was because, the guy's grandpa arranged this to happen.
hahhaa, thanks guys!

    takame September 29, 2017 5:29 am

    if the guy hates her at first and the girl works at a bar then it should be happy mari. the grandpa is a nice guy and kind to mari too.

    Lynn September 29, 2017 7:02 am

    Possibly this but idk, the plot is kinda similar.

    takame September 29, 2017 7:14 am
    Possibly this but idk, the plot is kinda similar. Lynn

    huh? but at the start, girl MC knew that she's about to be wed to her fatty childhood friend, not a CEO.

    Anonymous September 29, 2017 8:17 am

    Sounds like the manga Hapi Mari

    Lynn September 29, 2017 8:57 pm
    huh? but at the start, girl MC knew that she's about to be wed to her fatty childhood friend, not a CEO. takame

    Crap...that' right. Awkward but Cheonsaeng yeonbun wasn't a bad read if i remember correctly.

    takame September 30, 2017 1:12 am
    Crap...that' right. Awkward but Cheonsaeng yeonbun wasn't a bad read if i remember correctly. Lynn

    it definitely is. I'm into those kind of manga/webtoon. it has all the tropes I love so I was there since episode one and I enjoy each chapter, it's amusing.

sofia2723 September 25, 2017 2:08 am

Okay, this story is about this seemingly normal highschool boy. Lately, there had been a phoenix (not sure, but it was a beautiful bird) following him around, claiming that he was the reincarnation of their leader. All reincarnations should have been within their country, however, the boy was an exception because he was born in Japan. Anyways, like the phoenix, other mythical figures is supposed to worship and guard the reincarnation, but another boy has been installed in their country as the "leader", so they are protecting that boy instead because they are under the impression that he is the reincarnation. The MC though has some weird powers that only the leader is supposed to have. Thanks <3

    Anonymous September 25, 2017 2:18 am

    I dont know
    this is what I know
    twink b has aids
    avoid homosexuals
    they spread aids

    Katherine September 25, 2017 2:31 am

    Sorry! Don't know, but following.

    Isa September 25, 2017 2:31 am

    genjuu no seiza!

    rachu September 25, 2017 2:35 am

    following. good luck~

    semexukexseme September 25, 2017 2:47 am


    sofia2723 September 25, 2017 3:02 am

    Thank you!
    Isa got it guys XD, it's a good story btw hahaha.

    Katt September 25, 2017 4:14 am

    i don't know either, but following too

sofia2723 September 9, 2017 10:59 am

Hi guys, this is about a student (seme) who finds out his teacher's (uke) biggest secret which is he has an inverted nipple. The seme offers to help the uke to make his nipple protrude by sucking on it everyday lol. XD

sofia2723 September 6, 2017 3:26 pm

Hi guys?
It's about an elementary teacher who has a student whom he finds really reserved. The father as it turns out was an acquaintance I think. Anyways, the father is prolly the seme and he has a gangster look going on. His son used to get teased cause of this. The father ended up inviting the teacher to his place I think

sofia2723 August 20, 2017 8:48 am

Hi guys, I'm looking for a yaoi manga. I think it's a one shot.

It's about this hardworking uke. One day, a rather straightforward and strict seme kidnapped him, claiming that he was a seductress (but male version) who has been seducing his younger brother. The seme says that the younger brother already has a fiance, and that the uke will be confined indefinitely until the brother gets married to the said fiance. The uke is shocked, but realizes immediately that the seme is talking about his younger sister instead (who looks exactly like him, I believe they may have been twins). Anyways, I feel like the seme fell in love with the uke at first sight, but he just wasn't honest to himself because while he was confining the uke, he kinda sorta raped him, reasoning out that this way, the brother would not want the uke anymore.

sofia2723 August 15, 2017 4:53 pm

Hi everyone!
The story starts out with a highschool boy who desperately goes to a shrine everyday for a hundred days (I believe there is a Japanese belief that doing so will make the God grant you a wish). The wish in question is for him to have enough courage to confess to his male childhood friend. He confesses and is rejected, just as he expected. Anyways, as he was walking away he is hit by a bus, and dies (?), the shrine God takes pity on him and allows him to be transformed to become his childhood friend's ideal girl. He is transformed, and proceeds to seduce his childhood friend (although he lacks the needed 'feminine' charms lol).

sofia2723 July 20, 2017 3:50 am

Hi guys!
I'm looking for this manga. I just have a really vague memory of it so please bear with me hahaha XD
Anyways, it's about an uke that everyone in school has branded as a delinquent because of his blond hair. He is really sad about it and it turns out it was his brother (who I think was into experimenting hair) had done it. If I remember correctly the seme was the only one that talked to him and he was so grateful to the seme for it.

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