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flvky created a topic of Backlight

Comment il l’a attrapé ptdrrr j’suis mortee

flvky created a topic of Backlight

This is wilddd ! OWO i hope nothing happens to the other guy TToTT

This Grace and the guild master are reallyyy getting on my nerves. Bitch was too afraid to die so she changed to another body but still wants to get it all. The guild master’s probably the one who helped her swap bodies.
I really hope that the demon king will kill em all and be happy with Sellonia

flvky created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Arghhhhh i need more chapters on Jinwoo and his sugar daddy
The first couple is cute ofc but im getting tired of all the s*x

flvky created a topic of Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club

Nooo im against this ship. They’re cutee but noo ! Toono has to end up with Kashima!! he’s been in love since the day 1. I can’t take it

flvky created a topic of My Suha

Sooo ! the story ended few days ago im actually quite content with it. But i feel like there’s probably gonna be a side story with Do Hyeok but i could be wrong

flvky created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Wait is it Aeroc’s 2nd life or Kloff’s ?
I know that there’s 3 versions of the story. The first sad ending, then one with the original Aeroc (who remembers everything and try to change his fate etc) from his Pov (if im not wrong) and then another one with the original Kloff (from his pov, his memories of past life etc).
Here I’m not sure if it’s Aeroc’s or Kloff’s second life because even if it’s from Kloff’s pov, Aeroc seems to remember everything…

flvky created a topic of Sunshine Shower

28 chaps and nothing is happening… ?
The ML is clearly attached to MC and literally grew up to be MC’s liking but i don’t get why he doesn’t admit that he loves the MC…
The MC too, i get that he’s confused and is afraid to confess his feelings after all the shits the ML said to him. But i think all the problems will be resolved if he confesses

flvky created a topic of Backlight

I really wasn’t ready for the incest part ! O_O
The Seme clearly is interested in the Uke but i wonder why he kissed his brother. More than interested, he’s obsessed and also wanna punish him ? Cos the guy who’s getting bangbanged looks like the Uke ! In wonder if the brother was in love with him and forced the kiss ? Im so invested and have sooo many questions ! Omgg ! Annnd also i love that we’re getting present and past (flashbacks) at the same time. I hate when we have the past and then the present, the wait is insane TT__TT anywaaay if anyone has any theory lemme know

flvky created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

When are we getting more interaction with ??!! This chapter was fireeee btw

Im lost why did he suddenly turn into a kid and the demon king has blue eyes

flvky created a topic of Cry Me a River

Sooooo they know each other from away before !! *O*

flvky created a topic of Shinshi Doumei Cross

After reading it again a decade later, I finally understood that Itsuki is Haine’s real father. Now I feel bad that he’s always put aside in the story. I would’ve love to know his POV. How he moved on from his feelings for Maika, how did he felt when h who shouldn’t be able to have children had one miraculously. How much he loved Haine etc I would’ve loved to see more of Haine and Itsuki’s interactions.
I feel like it’s the only thing missing in the story…

flvky created a topic of Counter Offensive

I was waiting for itttt !!!

flvky created a topic of Tachi Neko

Ahhhh goshh it was so infuriating to read. The seme pissed me off ! Even at the end, he just went for sex instead of saying that he likes the uke