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Wanda asked a question

Any funny manga/manhwa recs? I want something that will give me a good laugh

Wanda asked a question

A manga or a manhwa where the two people dislike each other or hate each other before they start dating? Bl/gl/straight whatever is fine

Wanda followed a list
Wanda followed a list
14 02,2024
Wanda followed a list
06 02,2024
Wanda asked a question

Recommend me some lists with actually good mangas to read. Especially if there are hidden gems in it.

Wanda asked a question

Give me a manga recommendation y'all. Anything is fine.

Wanda asked a question

Recommend me a sad manga/manhwa that has a happy ending. (Any genre is fine)

Wanda asked a question

Recommend me some manga/manhwa that is interesting throughout every chapter. Something that keeps you hooked up with it until the end. Even better if it has a lot of drama in it. (No r4pe/ sad endings)

Wanda asked a question

What's the funniest manga/manhwa you've read??

Wanda asked a question

What's ur fav manga/ manhwa/ manhua?

Wanda asked a question

Any genre. Has to have a good plot and should have below 100 chapters (no sad endings pls)

Wanda asked a question

Y'all recommend me some good manga/manhwa/manhua with an actually interesting plot. Any genre is fine but it shouldn't have many s3ggs scenes bc I don't really enjoy them.

Wanda followed a list
05 11,2023
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Wanda followed a list
Wanda followed a list
Wanda followed a list
28 08,2023