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Fudanshi.. created a topic of Waterside Night

can they live in peace? thx.

Fudanshi.. created a topic of Doravmon

curiosity killed the cat along w me cus WHAT THE FUCK

Fudanshi.. answered question about porn and masturbation
i hate it sm i still have like 3 years to go before i get my license
Fudanshi.. created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

as if the main story wasnt fucked up enough WHAT is this


Oh. that's all i have to say.

Fudanshi.. answered question about easy n quick way to get money
i dont, i just cry and complain
Fudanshi.. answered question about easy n quick way to get money
i know as hell we would start trading humans so money is fine.
Fudanshi.. answered question about question
dawg it's legit thinking of middle eastern ppl as "inferior" it's a asshole thought. in other words it's a modern ass word for being racist to middle eastern people.
Fudanshi.. created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

no way it ended in a cliff hanger PLEASE SOMEONE PICK THIS UP

Fudanshi.. created a topic of Jinx

mf i called it this shit isnt a slow burn its a fucking car burn

Fudanshi.. answered question about fall for a same sex person
im a gay and sing/le cus my bf cheated on me LMAOOOOO