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Bbeebbib followed a goer
10 01,2024
Bbeebbib followed a goer
19 01,2023
Bbeebbib followed a goer
28 08,2022
Bbeebbib followed a list

Sorry a lot of stories in this list have been removed. I've changed the name of the list and created another one with the stories that were here previously, based on strong protagonists :

From today, this list will only include some great stories I love with peculiar plots !

22 07,2022
Bbeebbib like question

I would like you to help me find a story I do not remember very well but it's about the uke and the Seme attending a party, well the thing is that the two spend a night together, but when they wake up they both promise to forget what happened, it's there when uke begins to realize that he had fallen in love with the seme, always remembering that night they spent, but seme doesn't think the same since he likes a girl and that girl turns out to be uke's best friend and she is in love with another boy, that's why she also rejects the Seme, the thing is that as time passes, the uke continues to insist that Seme be his partner, but he continues to make it clear that he still likes the girl and that he does not like men. Well... Seme goes to the house of the uke and he is going to claim that because of him the girl hates him since at a party the Seme pushed the uke making him fall into a pool of alcohol and the uke comes out of his home running and the seme tells him to die which uke has an accident where it causes him to lose his memory and emotions and he only remembers his friend from the past and I only remember until there if someone knows the name, please tell me. thank you Ah- I also remember that the seme falls in love with uke because the girl goes on a trip and he begins to feel alone and realizes that who he was in love with is the uke and not the girl ... ..

I just repost it!!! Im really interested!!