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Nikki created a topic of The Mistress Runs Away

I cheered at the explosion then pissed when I realized we are seriously about the worst arc. Forgiveness but it feels manipulative as FUCK!
Alright NOW I don’t like her. Best way to piss me off is avoid parenting. Everyone needs breaks but to lie to his face like that! You already agreed he DID NOT save you! I could shake her. Don’t let him idolize his mother’s abuser!

And I know even this is realistic! Because how do you even start? Fucking somewhere!
ArghhhhIm not even made at this really. I just got triggered I think. Children aren’t freaking blind and death and they do understand good no bad if you teach them. She barely spends anytime with him in this story and I hate it. I don’t like him either but I blame her for that now.
Arghhhh I don’t even know if I’m mad at this story or my fucking sister now

I’m not even really mad at her, she is/was young, used and hurt. It’s not like she’s got a therapist. It was all him and I don’t believe he is dead and changing his will is the only thing I’ll give him. Regret in hell