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ThatBradGuy's feed

ThatBradGuy created a topic of Into the Blue

So I think the servant (ML) is now remembering that the sweet given to him by the Young Master when he was a kid is what killed his mother? Is the YM trying to remind him that and threaten him or did he just try to kill him and/or the Performer (MC)?

Also the MC was kidnapped/sold as a child by his father and his older half brother(YM) to a prostitution ring where he met his stalker. He doesn't remember his past but they ended up back in his home town where he met the ML. Now that he has returned the YM wants to kill the MC but the stalker is instead trying to make a deal to kill ML and live somewhere else with MC?

Also....was the YM in love with ML when he was a kid and groomed him but is upset that he is now interested in someone else? Not sure if I am mixing up another story?

I really need a good recap.