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Nameless's Album ( All 1 )

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Nameless's topics ( All 113 )

Nameless June 4, 2024 2:32 am

update is so slow I forget the plot

Nameless May 19, 2024 6:25 am

man this was a tough read, literally cried cause i felt so bad the mc. and I know this is obvious but I'm gonna say it anyway, the entire family victim blamed the mc to the point he developed Stockholm Syndrome.. the mc never wanted to be with him. he was never in love with him after that incident. but everyone around him kept saying that so what was he supposed to believe? especially in that mental state with all the abuse. and when faced with the choice of being free he chose to stay because he's been constantly told he can't escape because he'll always come back to the ml, because no matter where he goes the ml will follow him, because he loves the ml.he was literally brainwashed. man the entire family needs to be put on the electric chair, the sister too I find it weird how no one says the sister is weird af for letting shit slide and forcing the mc to stay in that house, as a matter of fact it wouldn't be far fetched to say she's the one who started brainwashing the mc into loving her psychopathic brother

Extra but your allowed to hate this manhwa but using the R slur is not okay

Nameless's questions ( All 9 )

Nameless February 28, 2024 5:28 pm

I'm trying to find the saidtic beauty gl side story but it's not showing up, can someone send me a link

Nameless's favorite ( All 1 )

Armchair psychology time ig 04-05 15:47

Nameless's message board ( All 0 )

Why are you crying [???] ?
. . .
because you deleted yourself from everyones memory?
. . .
but [???] isn't that what you wanted all along?

List of basically everything I've read, reading, and want to read:
> 4 people followed Nameless