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eve created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
eve followed a goer
27 10,2023
eve created a topic of Actually, I was the Real One

does anyone have spoilers?? i am NOT patient enough and need to know what will happen to cosette and everyone

eve followed a list

this is a fate worse than death

i thought it was weird how he just accepted her like nothing, but this just is making me more suspicious of him istg if he’s the traitor…

eve created a topic of Auto-Hunting With Clones

someone better hurry up with that time matching cuz i can’t keep waiting ever week

eve created a topic of I’m being raised by villains

those two purple haired mfs make my blood pressure rise like no other

eve created a topic of I’m being raised by villains

i’m throwing some major hands if they pull a “i choose the emperor ending”

eve created a topic of Payback

“my daddy’s richer than yours!”

eve created a topic of Auto-Hunting With Clones

you’ve gotta be shitting me

eve followed a list


=also mother
= she also has brothers
= she (or her father) has magic
= from an abusive household to a caring one-TW: for abuse the first couple chapters
= wholesome father daughter moments 
= annoying/dumb main character 
= bad art style/translations 
= personal favorite of mine!

 Check out the hidden gems on the later pages! Newer releases are there. 


04 10,2023
eve created a topic of Pure villain
eve created a topic of Auto-Hunting With Clones

can’t he literally just deactivate the clone??? istg if he doenst i’m gonna lose my shit

eve says:

so god help me if i get logged out one more time i’m gonna lose my shit