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remi created a topic of Yubisaki to Renren

this chapter obviously shows his development as a person in general. he has many regrets when he was younger, for example not comforting yuki the way he wanted too. but he was a kid too, he just isn’t the type of person to actually do it? as he said he feels empty (something like that idk bro jus yappin in this chapter) he’s always tried to help her, but he intentionally is too possessive over her and tries to control her basically. she’s her own person, and she wants to be more out there, for some reason back then he didn’t like that. of course he was trying to look out for her, but the way he interpreted that was jus rude asfuck, basically saying that she couldn’t do certain stuff jus cause she’s deaf. he’s always had good intentions for her, but expressed it in a weird ass way. anyways i still love him lolzies