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natsu created a topic of Night Song
natsu created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

we're finally on first name basis and that nickname ughh namu sure knows how to turn on his babe

natsu created a topic of Semantic Error

he's kissing under the red jacket he used to hate sm ughhh the irony

natsu created a topic of Hitori H Online
natsu created a topic of Define The Relationship

istg this is one of the most romantic ongoing series; love to see lyle reminding everyone he's alpha by being assertive n taking the lead

natsu created a topic of Full volume
natsu created a topic of Kouguu no Omega

ahhhh i can't believe this is the end all this waiting should've been rewarded w a side story w babies

natsu created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

omg don't tell me he's going to have another baby

natsu created a topic of Night Song

one thing i love abt sex in this manhwa is that both of them enjoy their time together moaning + facial expression, I've read sm bls n i appreciate when artists draw tops full of pleasure n not just looking like wanting to take a shit knitting their eyebrows everytime they're about to come

natsu created a topic of Night Song

slip of his hands, jaeshin not missing a chance n clasping them together, our prince being vocal abt how he likes it n jaeshin indulging ughhh they're driving me crazy!!! and ladies we're on first name basis now!!!!

natsu created a topic of Night Song

our boy got a thing for over stimulation lol

natsu created a topic of Semantic Error

my baby!!! he's the most real autistic character in bl

natsu created a topic of Night Song

"do you want to?", other period manhwa mls could never!!!!!!

natsu created a topic of Semantic Error

he's so in love but his autistic brain can't put 2 n 2 together

natsu created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

ahh s3 better not start w a timeskip n cirius moving all the way to another country or smn

natsu created a topic of Semantic Error

I knew I could count on jihye

I'm seeing subtle change in artstyle n direction n I'm loving it, it's visually pleasing. they're so hot dang it