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Lynnezh May 25, 2024 8:37 pm

As someone who suffered a similar accident and had problems because her brain was so affected that she didn't know who she was, who those around her were, and she also didn't remember her native language very well, I somewhat agree with ml's attitude.

I also didn't remember my boyfriend at all who I had lived with for almost 5 years and I also had a shitty attitude because I was stressed out about being in the hospital and following orders given by "strangers" and not having permission to do whatever I wanted, not even go out (because my recovery was worsened due to an infection in my head and I was hospitalized for about 1 month while the pandemic reached my country).

When I left the hospital, I had to go to a psychologist and then a psychiatrist to prescribe special pills to calm my emotions because in a few seconds I went from a normal state to aggressive fury or intense depression (I was no longer the same as before, although around that time I remembered a little, I could despise the people I loved before).

I'm sorry if this seems that I'm defending the ml, I just know that he needs a lot of patience and care from his loved ones. I broke my boyfriend's heart when I didn't want his kisses and asked who was he to come near to me, and yet he didn't give up and won me over again (we're still together!!), so I won't hate the ml because I prefer to think that he will reflect on his actions little by little and ask for forgiveness for all the damage done (I hope it doesn't take long and his friend or family take him to a psychologist and psychiatrist now, it's something that people who suffered accidents that affected their brains need).

I also consider it likely that the ml previously despised betas due to some trauma or bad experience (fck, I don't like that, but I behave that way when men I don't know or trust get too close to me or try to touch me, it's like an aggressive defense) until he met and fell in love with the mc, but since now he doesn't remember him at all, he has to start the crush from scratch. This is a difficult and fucked up situation, but it's not for nothing that he's been in love with one person for so many years, so even if he's forgotten the mc, he's more likely to become interested in him again.

Lynnezh April 11, 2024 10:29 am

I also find it frustrating and tense to have to endure being near the person who humiliated you and on top of that insists on making you remember who he was in your past (and continues to have fun at your expense), I hate that rule of having to keep silent in front of your elders or workers in positions higher than yours for the sake of your own job even when injustices are done to you, but that's how adult society is in South Korea... and that's also how the entertainment industry is, so anyway I love to see a manhwa that makes you see this harsh reality.

I expect revenge from the protagonist, because he is not alone (I thank the manager), even the girl from the staff must have realized that there is not a good relationship between the mc and the PD.

Thank you very much for the chapters!! the new font looks better ヾ(☆▽☆)

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