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Lily December 31, 2023 12:51 am

I’m sad we didn’t get to see the shower scene. :(

Lily November 20, 2023 7:09 am

Possible spoiler.

So remember Seth’s dream where a guy with the same hair color as his and a little girl were next to Theo? What if it takes them a very long time to reunite because of something that happens and his kids grown up and those two were his kids. His first child all grown up and his second child is much younger because without his pheromones it took longer for the baby to be born?
That would break my heart. He is so sweet and to not have a chance to be a father to his children… I really hope I’m wrong.

    reinedangoisse November 20, 2023 11:26 am

    Smyrnas need their Capri's pheromones to help the egg build a strong healthy shell. Whether Seram is with Theo or not, the egg would be laid on time and it would hatch on time. Theo's mother had him without her Capri and from the looks of it the only complication she had was the pain from not receiving pheromones, otherwise he was born just fine. Garish himself said it is a vision of a hopeful future, and why would Theo's "son" hold Theo the way he did in his dream, that's fu.cking weird

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