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akki like the answer
i got a lil silly tehe
akki answered question about stuck my cock in a blender
i was born to be a jaekyung hater im beating the shit out of him
akki answered question about question
if he is joo jaekyung ,he shouldnt be forgiven ,he should be hanged.
akki followed a list
akki answered question about something that makes you happy
my honest reactionthose who get it,get it
akki asked a question
akki answered question about question
no need to type all this shit down ,just say ure a p3dophile ,ppl like u need to be locked up.
akki created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

the author needs to be locked up

akki answered question about question
im a fashion major and i dress like the great depression
akki created a topic of Kill the Villainess
akki created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

yall dont come at me ,the art is pretty tho

akki answered question about question
akki asked a question

yall i need some tsundere seme recs pls

akki answered question about question
its game over for these shits once i see them
akki answered question about question
would say jaekyung but that piece of shit is strong and he would finish me in less than 5 seconds LMAO
akki answered question about answer question
akki followed question about read 1000 manga or more

Do you have that one manga you regretted reading so much that you wished you can unread it from your brain?

20 08,2023