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Duchessmikan created a topic of Just Twilight

يا مدام نتي ولدك غير حبة خرية امنتي بلي هو سبع، هو والو غير هادي البنت شافت فيه. هدا سموه نكاح الاقارب و نتي بغيتي ولدك لروحك

It’s disappointing that Cain died because he actually repented on his mistakes and was trying to start new at life, his personality changed and was trying hard to survive. I hate how the ml did him dirty even after taking her revenge and ruined his status which he deserved but at the end he repented and didn’t deserve to die

For those who can’t wait and yes it’s a long novel so you’ll have to wait at least 3 years to get to the end or so, I advise you to read the novel , it’s good and provides more complex insights into this world. There are also additional pictures that shows some of the new characters such as the children he will be raising.

Not only her uncle and grandfather abandoned her for a whole year but why didn’t the uncle punish the orphanage principal and save the orphans right away, he left them to be taken and killed by that trash sorcerer. He is the epitome of unforgivable out of touch rich trash.

I love her shy face , she fell hard for Alfonso knowing he is the best for her and he truly loves her. I don’t blame his mother , she thinks of his best. I believe that jerk trash son is actually the bastard/ his mom’s affair result and not Arabella, maybe she’s the only legitimate daughter and now she died. The cardinal will realise and cry blood hopefully

Duchessmikan created a topic of Baby Tyrant

Please reply if u have any spoilers, thanks

Duchessmikan created a topic of Forbidden Odd Melody

Time for ( ㅅ ) ╰⋃╯ (◕ε◕*)

Duchessmikan created a topic of Ojou to Banken-kun

There are so much better manga and manhwa than this trash

This is just my theory but the hooded person is not Lize , the blonde girl, that would be too cliche and predictable. Their ID is still a mystery otherwise the author would have showed it. It’s actually the Princess, purple short hair. She’s obsessed with Lize and hates Edith for no reason. ITS DEFINITELY THE PRINCESS.

Duchessmikan created a topic of I Am The Villain

That blonde girl is definitely the author her best friend but she clearly is the reason why the og villainess was kidnapped, did the novel correct itself by sending a second Lucia or was she a doppelgänger of the villainess set up by conspiring politicians ?! I hate that spineless prince!

Duchessmikan created a topic of Domestic Wolf

What kind of a dumb name is that?! Wolff is the stupidest name ever. Like naming water : Waterr

Duchessmikan created a topic of Isekai Walking

I m happy it’s about two young kids falling in love and being all innocent about it like truly a normal romantic thing and not a harem where the boy gets all the gilrs and the girls’ relationships become sour because of a boy.

I want him to become a slime again! He was so cute!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a psycho for a princess! Alfonso RUN RUN RUN!!!

Duchessmikan created a topic of My Suha

Why is the author giving us ga***** as a revenge for the villain?! This is horrible, I wish I never read this trashy shitty manhwa. -100/10 not even a 0

Where’s the part about the bear in ch12? Is it missing? It doesn’t make sense

Duchessmikan answered question about a fun fact about yourself
I refuse to read a yaoi manga/ manhwa if the picture shows a naked or over sexualised uke while the seme is fully dressed.

I think in the novel he can communicate with them telepathically, so does he understand them in the manga ?