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fujotakako April 15, 2018 3:08 pm

hi please help! im looking for a yaoi manga i read months ago. its basically like a highschool guy falling in love with a college guy. the hs dude goes over to the college guy's house and like spends time w the college guy's friends while theyre drinking and shiz like that. i remember the college guy moving out at some point, and they met when both of them were working. in end, the hs guy (now working) said he was still in love with the college guy.

fujotakako April 7, 2018 2:08 pm

i really need help! :( i'm finding this yaoi manga i read a few weeks ago. basically, guy A had trouble sleeping alone/ in the dark because of his childhood trauma. guy A's father was kind of abusive and used to lock him in the closet, which caused him to be very afraid of the dark, even now when he's working. guy B "accompanies" him going to sleep in his room, and that's where their relationship develops. i think they're also colleagues. there was also this one part where guy B encounters guy A's brother when guy B comes over guy A's place. guy A is black-haired. please help!!! :(

fujotakako April 1, 2018 8:23 am

help please, im looking for a yaoi manga that i read a few weeks ago. basically it was student x teacher. the student encountered the teacher crying on a bench alone at the start. basically, the student fell in love the teacher, but sensei didn't answer him because he was afraid that he would be ruining his "normal" happiness. the sensei also had that kind of perspective because the one he loved in highschool left them when they graduated, and the one he loved got married (in other words, the one sensei loved in highschool got married) in the end, during the graduation of the student, he told his friends that he was in love w sensei. sensei overheard it and started crying. they got together afrter the graduation ceremony. i forgot the title af but its still very vivid (⌒▽⌒)

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