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It's like The Princess Bride, only men in business suits.  ...

  • Author: NISHIDA Higashi
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance / Yaoi / One Shot

Hey this is gonna be one of my favourite manga overall for real!!! The story, the characters are overrated. And I super super love how the father talk to his son, meaning he already known what his son's favorite person is, and all the funny beings of him.
About the two main boy here, they're so adorable!! Maybe Tejima knows he love Shinji in the begining, and that's a little reason of why he was so obeyedddd!!
It's just, feelings and emotions, no unnecessary cheap drama shitty things, just those, created a whole perfect story!

And the position, I mean, uke and seme thing, it's just not important to be used for rating the manga.
(But I have to say I really like Tejima being the uke and Shinji being the seme)
In short, this manga is 'I cried'/10