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ice August 30, 2023 3:23 pm

I'm actually surprised that people think that they don't have any chemistry. I do think that, due to their perception of the other, they end up clashing at times. Like the instance where Riftan just wants Maxi to be pampered, but due to his personality, he comes off as dismissive (I think this is due to him being a mercenary and having a lack of tact in general. In return, he comes off as brash ) Because of that, Maxi views Riftan's reaction as a reflection of her own incompetence.

Their type of relationship takes time. They have a lot of flaws and shortcomings, but I do love their intimacy. I'm just waiting for the time when they fully unveil what they are thinking of each other.

    Peach September 1, 2023 6:32 pm

    I fr’s agree with you here. Like please — just stop lol.

ice August 14, 2023 3:51 am

I really like shou and falco's dynamic. They balance each other out

The age gap nor their circumstances doesn't bother me since its a manga. I just love their relationship. But gosh i dont like lyra's approach at all. A simple i love you can't erase the fact that you abandoned your son.

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