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minaori's feed

minaori asked a question

I don't remember much please send a link if you know what I'm talking about
So I got to this channel through ads

It was 2-3years ago so t don't remember the details

The main duo were two android or something
One is a boy with black? Brown? Hair his name is punk kun
One is a girl with white hair maybe..
The girl was the one to imagine a image and the boy was the one to create it I don't remember properly but maybe one of them turns into a weapon probably the boy
There are other characters like them that have formed a duo also Android or something all of them protecting their home and their mother
The girl's curiosity leads them to a big big disastor
Together they fight against a human with blonde hair and white attire
The androids live in an earth like planet or maybe earth
They get betrayed by the human
The human has a spaceship
The human are the bad guys and the android or something are the good guys
In the end punk kun is all alone keeping his promise