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Asuka created a topic of 19 Days

I'm so happy to see more of Brother Qiu and Big Bro Boss Man

Asuka created a topic of Shutline

I love the guy eating the hot dog that stops whenever Jake and Shin are around. This is the second time I've seen him

Asuka created a topic of ENNEAD

Poor Anubis...Osiris is gaslighting and torturing him just to get to Seth. Trash God of the Underworld ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Asuka created a topic of Banana Fish

Nothing compares to Banana Fish. You'll never forget it, but you'll always be thankful for reading it. (I spent way too much $$$ buying the physical copies of the manga since I love it so much)

Asuka created a topic of ENNEAD

Seth finally finding out what his powers are ヾ(☆▽☆)

Asuka created a topic of Yami Bl

Ok Japan, you win the most fucked up BL award. I'm sorry I said Killing Stalking was the most twisted - you win. Here's your award: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Asuka created a topic of Shutline

I feel for Gren due to his upbringing, but dude's gotta be like 28 by now, right? You can't expect someone else to solve problems that you have created for yourself - his shit is his own to solve. He's been in and out of prison, hooked on some nasty stuff, and let's not forget he's killed at least 5 people RECENTLY - not to mention shooting Jay with the intent to kill. I think it's time he takes a drastic self-inventory of his life and what he wants and how to move forward.
Also, muchos kudos to the writer for creating such in depth characters! I feel like I could write an essay about this subject lol

Asuka created a topic of B-Class Guide

70% of this story was Jaeha whining about getting dumped. Also, "He's nuclear grade trash but at least he's pretty trash" and then it's all "OH WELL, Let's be trash together!!" COME ON!!! Whining about getting dumped doesn't make a freaking plot!

Asuka created a topic of Utsukushii Karada

I saw "tattoo artist" in the description and was all over this manga. Then getting to the good parts I see comments like "This writing is worse than the last season of GOT", and "I hate this manga so much, but I finish what I start!". Give me a f*cking break. If you're translating something just so sh*t all over it, DON'T BOTHER. I think it's a good story with beautiful art, and I appreciate it for what it is.

Asuka followed a list

I can read these mangas many times! I rate them >9.5/10 based on my own preferences, so there will be lots of non-mainstream BL
Genres: NO PWP, no doujinshi
Length: <100 chapters or 3 vols
Search by tags:
If you like this list, please click "RECOMMEND". Thank you XD
2nd list:
(If 1st list is full, i'll move older ones to my 2nd list)
Long series:

19 08,2023
Asuka created a topic of Wish You All the Best

My WISH for The Prosecutor: You're nothing but a low-down, two-faced, backstabbing, larcenous perverted worm! Hanging's too good for you. Burning's too good for you! You should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Asuka created a topic of Jinx

Who could have EVER predicted that Joo Jakeyoung would get jealous???
(Literally anyone who's read BJ Alex.)