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hihihi answered question about question
I loove no home but I dont have the courage to go reread it I cried too much already
hihihi answered question about thoughts about rape in fiction
well I think rape is a form of violence so fantasizing over rape is the same as fantasizing over violence, so ofc I am going to find it strange. Just reading it ( in backstories for example ) and rlly enjoying rape scenes makes a difference for me.
hihihi asked a question

I'm searching for recc of light romance manhwa. I prefer schoolife but anything is good. ty !!

hihihi like the answer
Tell an adult, it wont stop if you try your own. If youre not gonna bring an authority figure to face this issue then you wont be able to solve it. Im assuming yall are kids, you aint fucking batman and you cant do this by yourself. GET AN ADULT INVOLVED!! Unless you havent done the obvious which is block the fuckin account and report it