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Eii created a topic of Macguffin

I think this is what we call “the calm before the storm”

Eii created a topic of Redeem: Only One Forever

if villain, why hot?

Eii created a topic of Trap Caught by Chance

i choked when the flashback with the young Bennett showed up

Eii created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

it's happening!!! the long awaited confession is here kshdkshfjshs 12 more chapters to go though :((

Eii created a topic of DEAREST

theo sure is a psychopath collector. currently dealing with one and there's his ex boyfie who's under his ass xD I mean... who wouldn't want theo though? I totally get them

Eii created a topic of Night Fragments

idk but the line “let's go home together” hits every nerve in my body. maybe I'm still held back by THAT one manhua xD

Eii created a topic of Night Fragments

"I am responsible for yoen's death" OKAY WE GOT IT NOW SO STFU BECAUSE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT ARYKA'S PAST NOW, NOT YOURS TF IS WRONG WITH THIS MAN??? I really feel like vince doesn't deserve aryka tbh

Eii created a topic of An egocentric way of thinking

can we just skip the smex part then go back to what it was before because I can't take this anymore

Eii created a topic of The Moon-Painting Alchemist

just use THAT potion and look at the mirror growe

Eii created a topic of Solo For Two

are we still okay? I feel like everything's a mess, they have a LONG way to go. sasya made karel what he is today, I think both of them needs psychological help at this point. also, julian at least needs to know that his brother is alive (or does he know already?)

Eii created a topic of Night Fragments

why can't I punch fictional characters :(( I feel so bad for aryka, baby, you deserve so much better

bro's so turned on that he got the classic anime's nosebleeding

tbh, I want him to see minchan as minchan, not as seoho. okay, alright, I get it that you love seoho so much that you'll go in such lengths like sacrifing your life for him but, minchan is completely a different person. even if minchan was seoho in his past life, he's not him now. if they'll ever fall in love in the future, I want him to love minchan as minchan.

Eii created a topic of Bad Kid Good Partner

I'll get cancelled for this but I actually feel a little bad for soobin like?? he obviously hid his feelings for years now and about that jerking off session that happened because of the influence of drugs, it's kinda hard for him to control himself especially when it was hyesung who did the first move, mistaking him for joo-il. I know that what he did was still wrong because he clearly know that hyesung were thinking of another person while they were doing it. but i can say that his self control is great, the fact that he didn't do anything more than jerking off together when he can literally do anything if wants to. and how he kept their friendship stable for years not until joo-il got inside the frame. I also believe that it wasn't soobin's intention to claim that he was the one who found hyesung in the locker before. because as I remember, he was also looking for him and maybe he somewhat heard joo-il talking, so he came in that room and saw joo-il (but joo-il immediately ran away) then found out that hyesung was locked inside the locker.

it's also funny and tricky that joo-il was still seeing that former idol girl when they're already in a contract that time. (reality show scene) and it's also sus that joo-il's still not clarifying his current relationship with hong jin-ah. because if I remember it correctly, jin-ah said that it's still not the end between them, and also told joo-il to "not forget who helped him to get where he is right now" and also the fact that they're not officially lovers (official relationship/not a fake-setup one) is kinda complicated.

Eii created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

god may forgive that piece of shit but I won't

Eii created a topic of Night Fragments

motherfather planned it all, I'm crying aryka is also pure even in his past life, while yoen... idk man, I always had this icky feeling whenever I sees him.

Eii created a topic of Waterside Night
Eii created a topic of Regas

abel's reincarnated body is debuffed I will cry

just a little reminder that lucian's gonna be an ordinary slave soon once that the oldest prince get married to a girl and have his own family

the only person who's missing in this dramatic mess is that black haired duke lowe lmaooo