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Excuse me but why is no one talking about the nephew WHO'S 19 having a boyfriend WHO'S 29

Trashi created a topic of Dom&Sub

The fucker is just like any straight cis male, disrespectful, disregarding the wishes of the other party - "if subs seek out normals for SAFETY, then doms pretend to be normals for job opportunities" like WHAT ????? That's the creepies, rapiest shit I've heard, ewww just eww

Trashi created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

I really enjoyed (?) this fight, what I mean it didn't feel shallow and baseless, or cliche, it felt like something that actual people would fight over and I'm really glad that it wasn't done lightly it feels like we're getting real development of the characters

Trashi created a topic of Angel's hole

What the fuck is going on???

Trashi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I genuinely adore the main characters, cause they do not fall under the "bl tropes" Neutaaa has an actual personality and I really adore him, he's the type of person that I would be great friends with.
And the contrast in Ji9star's online and irl personality is convincing as to why Naeutaa wouldn't recognize him and also incredibly cute! I just adore hoe he gets flustered by Neutaaa, I think they will have just the best chemistry as a couple. And maybe some nice, breath of fresh air dynamic of the spice cause I bet Neutaaa will be really forward!

You know what would've made this manhwa 100x better? Consent, and eager participation from the bottom - who mind you already liked stuff like that! Like why tf does it always have to be rapey to be smut. Why can't we enjoy just two horney people ducking each other and exploring mutual kinks ?

Thanks for all the hard work! I'm waiting for your translations, they're quality and so well done!
Thank you once more! Please don't get discouraged!


Trashi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Thank you translators and I'm not rushing you or anything I JUST REALLY WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT (/TДT)/ I LOVE THOSE TWO, I CANT WAIT, GIMME MOREEEEEEE

Trashi asked a question

I have this problem where I don't enjoy straight manga/manhwa quite as much as GL/BL cause it's either straight up porn or good but very safe, age-appropriate story.
In GLs/BLs you can often find both, an awesome, long story with character development for few dozen chapters and some quality spice, mushed up in a good manga/manhwa.
I'm looking for something like this but straight, maybe some villainess manhwa but with spice, and I mean real spice not, kiss and fade out to the morning after? Or present-times people with meeting because of an interest that they like? Are there even stories like that ?

It's giving toxic, but not make-me-not-wanna-read-anymore toxic so I'll stick for the cute daddies and kids plotline

That's supposed to be hot of sth? The way this character makes me disgusted, like the fuk? I know the show was supposed to have 0% rating but like the fuk?

Trashi created a topic of High Clear

Doing that to someone who's sleeping, without prior consent is rape

Trashi created a topic of Gig of the Day


Trashi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I soo hope that in contrast to in game irl Neutaaa will be really forward and teasing to Ji9star, and constantly flirting/making fun out of the irl awkwardness of Ji9star.
Just a stark contrast

Trashi created a topic of Solo For Two

As yes because if he didn't have ptsd raping him would be perfectly reasonable and okay thing to do ?

Trashi created a topic of Full volume

Why does feel like the artstyle/artist changed and the writer also changed? Like as some people pointed out there are some discrepancies within the story also the characters act more toxic. It's just every so slightly off that technically it's the same but something feels wierd ?

Trashi created a topic of The Tosa's Master

Disregarding the latest trend of rapey relationship - if you're going to go with a fucked up, rape plot line DON'T make it seem like the victim is enjoying it!!! It's in so many stories !: "even thought he does it and I don't want it, I'm still hard?" BULLSHIT it makes me so inexplicably mad! Like it's diminishing the crime cause "he also felt it" thanks. Victims in real life have to already go far and beyond to prove that they've been raped and it wasn't consensual and the fucking authors make it seem like yeah, the victim blamers are right, the victim also enjoys it see? Yghhhhhh

The fucking manga buddy scans are unbearable ehhh

I just despise that Asian authors have this thing for the "nearly raped" trope where one of the characters is sexually assaulted, nearly raped but they just treat it as a plot device and then immediately jump into a sex scene for the main couple like it's some "purifying sex". Like they nearly got raped and you thing they would immediately want to have sex? It's a traumatic experience, not some run of the mill thing. Well looking at the amount of manga/manhwa that use this trope it becomes a standard and I hate it.
And also that there's no repercussions for the fucking rapist?