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  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy
don't_talk_to_me answered question about question
I’ve had friends in elementary school and high school but after high school I haven’t been in contact with them so I don’t consider them my friends anymore. Just someone I once barely knew. I’m very antisocial so I can’t make new friends. I talk to people when they talk to me but there’s some distance.

I regret finding this so soon

don't_talk_to_me answered question about question
Side character who knows what she wants. Love this!
don't_talk_to_me created a topic of Brotherly XX

Me: Can’t get worse than step brother.
Him: “Father”.
(⊙…⊙ )

don't_talk_to_me answered question about question
Feeding Lamb TW for real. Not for the faint of heart!
don't_talk_to_me asked question about question

Alpha x Omega? Alpha x Beta? Alpha x Alpha? Omega x Beta? Alpha x Beta? Omega x Omega? I just saw a comment somewhere saying “Omega x Omega is so good because usually there is fisting ”

don't_talk_to_me created a topic of Isn't it good?

I feel like this author just doesn’t know how to end stories. It’s super weird.

don't_talk_to_me created a topic of Fight Club

I don’t really like how the art changed from the other works. The previous ones were scrumptious.

don't_talk_to_me followed a goer

BL Gourmet
I'm moving my lists
Say what you want but I won't share with you jealous peeps

25 days
don't_talk_to_me answered question about read 1000 manga or more
Chronicles of the demon faction. I love everything about it, the characters, the plot, the art. I also really like the MC. The girls aren’t overly sexualised, and some female characters are really strong.
don't_talk_to_me answered question about question
Chat gpt says it’s “The girl from random chatting”. I don’t know if it’s accurate.
don't_talk_to_me created a topic of Foul's Start

Please don't be toxic.
Please don't be toxic.
Please don't be toxic.

don't_talk_to_me answered question about question
Delete my search history and factory reset everything. Burn all my diaries or journals. Eat ice-cream and watch One Piece or do some gaming while waiting for the Grim to come.
don't_talk_to_me answered question about question
don't_talk_to_me answered question about anime op and ed
I’ve been obsessed with Mr. Villain’s day off op. I’ve played this for more than a month straight, on repeat.
don't_talk_to_me created a topic of Dog Fur Romance

The top is a cutie patootie!
It’s such a shame that it’s only 9 chapters ╥﹏╥

don't_talk_to_me answered question about question
This is gonna be you in the future. Saying “I have class” and then behaves like the most classless bitch ever. Just mind your own business, why are you judging other people’s hobbies?
don't_talk_to_me answered question about turn into a guy
My period gets pretty bad because of cramps so that excuse always works.