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FlameGreyWolf's feed

Contrary to what I was thinking, she's not being manipulated but actually doing the manipulating, otherwise someone's skin walking her.

Also YES FINALLY throw away that rotting 99% rope Penelope. Yeet it to hell!
Eclis spent too much time with Yvonne already, he's gotten his mind poisoned by his state of hopelessness (which is getting together with Penelope as the duchess)

Though it makes me wonder in the original Yvonne route, if he does shake off his slave status and gets a small noble title, how ever did he get his happy ending with Yvonne? Guardian knight? FEH we all know that's bs with this sort of reaction towards Penelope.

Which reminds me, how would it go if Yvonne does 100% her brothers, Derrick and Reynold? Like she's not gonna actually yknow, marry them or something right?
Imo it's acceptable for Penelope but hoooooly no way..