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S.N.Gaara's experience ( All 0 )

S.N.Gaara's answer ( All 2 )

Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto series. Before him, I'd never hated anyone to the extent of wanting them dead, be it in real life or in a fictional story. Hating others will hurt you yourself as well, which is why I don't want to have this kind of feeling towards anyone ever again. I hope he will be the only person I'll ever hate (even though he doesn't ......   1 reply
18 08,2018
My first anime was Naruto (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ And the first manga I read (which is still ongoing) is Hatenkou Yuugi   reply
06 07,2018

S.N.Gaara's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

havent been together for over a year yet still see each other regularly. This shi not for the weak

1 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

currently in one, its been 5-6 months, I dont think honeymoon phases exist bc this girl makes me feel like this all the time

15 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Safe to say we are exes now lol.

18 hours