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Fubuki Shirou created a topic of Gig of the Day

It's giving red flag but hopefully the top doesn't have a subscription to the Red Flag Emporium yet. Fingers crossed though


I've seen more twists in a straight line than in this manga, but somehow it still manages to keep me hooked like a fish on a line.

Fubuki Shirou created a topic of Dead man Switch

???????? Didn't know saving someone's life came with a free neck message.

Give me your best insults against Li Yu! I'll go first: He's so two-faced, he's on the waiting list for a second passport.

Li Yu is the definition of a backstabber, but with enough practice, he could probably front-stab too!

If Li Yu were a color, he'd be a shade of betrayal

Fubuki Shirou created a topic of Sparkling Baby

He's pulling out that condom way too fast for me bro. Take it easy, it's only the first chapter

Y'all don't know how flabbergasted I was when I saw an update.

Fubuki Shirou created a topic of Jinx

"I can't fathom why anyone would find a shred of redeeming quality about this walking catastrophe."

Fubuki Shirou created a topic of See You, My King

The way he did the math and connected the two dots

The King does NOT care tbh. He just wants to use Etinne cause he seems to know about the Empress' plans.

The slow burn is buuuuuuuuuurning.

Fubuki Shirou created a topic of Sissy

Dude is asking if he STILL has a chance? Harry Potter and the audacity of this bitvh.

Not the Empress calling the Emperor vile. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black lmao.

Fubuki Shirou created a topic of Payback

That song myungshin is the embodiment of period cramps, unnecessary and unlikable

Not the Empress calling the Emperor vile. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black lmao.

Exactly Song Hui, Always follow your heart, but remember to bring your brain along and take the hint when you're rejected!

Raise your hand If you're like Song Hui, crushing on someone you can't have.