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Weeno add 1 photos to Woah
Weeno add 1 photos to Woah
Weeno add 1 photos to Woah
Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

cuck much

Weeno add 1 photos to funny
Weeno add 1 photos to Woah
Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|
Weeno add 1 photos to Woah
Weeno add 1 photos to smort

interesting take

Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|


Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

ughh at least let them get together instead of having him passed around against his will

Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

sure he's the bare minimum but the beginning can't be forgivn. whys the bare minimum top tier bffr

Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

shuda stuck more to the parody judgement that keep pointing shit out at least

Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

ts is not cute these authors needa be stopped seriously sick

Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|
Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

then don't rape him? hate this character the most but the others r pretty bad to w/ coercion

Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

this easily cuda been consensual smh im too invested in this trash to stop reading too whoops T_T

Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

always involving the victim mc in shit like this only to somehow forgive them. shits unnecessary asf

Weeno add 1 photos to bro wth :|

bl authors r so sick in the head is it their purpose to try n desensitize readers to rape?

Weeno add 1 photos to smort