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Medusation July 6, 2021 11:10 pm

All this because she saw him having a conversation and smiling...

    1ovingyou July 9, 2021 2:57 am

    No LITERALLY it’s making me rip my hair out idk why you’re getting downvoted you’re speaking the truth

    Medusation July 10, 2021 11:19 pm

    Maybe they never had a relationship before so they don't know that people don't stop talking to others when they're in one xD

Medusation June 14, 2021 2:13 am

I feel cheated :/
They threw us a ball of angst and didn't know what to do with it, should've avoided the whole revenge plot and stopped when they started dating ( ̄へ ̄)

Medusation May 6, 2021 11:04 pm

She's a criminal and he's an asshole.

Medusation April 26, 2021 12:58 am

Hated Okjae, tremendous hyprocrite, in what way the morals and values of the boy with the hat (that cheated on her) were any better than Areum? She preaches that her friends are fine the way they are, but they treat him like he's a sex toy incampable of feelings and thoughts of his own, funny when we see how Eunsung was at the beginning and how offended she as when someone says she's easy, how easily they consider him not boyfriend material. Imagine Okjae was a man, and says the only way for his partner to be his girlfriend was to better herself, what would you do in her place? Thought so.

    hongbinstaekwoon April 27, 2021 6:42 am

    She left her ex for that reason though. And she flat out rejected areum because she didn't see him as boyfriend material, yet areum was the one who pressured her and was immature about being rejected. So she stated what needs to be changed if he wanted to date her and what she expected from her partner to make a relationship work. And like she thought herself, there's too much so she just listed three basic things to get him off her back. It was entirely up to areum if he wanted to accept that or walk away since he was free to do whatever he wanted. So I don't really see what the issue is and how it's comparable to her past relationship which was just flat out abusive and she didn't have a choice but to stay in fear of her own safety.

    I do agree that having to change everything about yourself to date one person is not going to be a good starting point. But your point of it being the same as her past relationship is very much invalid and in this scenario has nothing to do with double standards.

    Medusation April 27, 2021 10:27 pm
    She left her ex for that reason though. And she flat out rejected areum because she didn't see him as boyfriend material, yet areum was the one who pressured her and was immature about being rejected. So she st... hongbinstaekwoon

    Truth is, when he stops being pretty and able do dress up to her kinks she'll drop him. Making her honest doesn't make her a better person. She wanted to use him because she couldn't find anyone who would do what she wanted. She had sex with the guy in the hat even in places where she wasn't confortable and she assumed they were dating. What made him boyfriend material? She likes the power she has over Areum just like her first boyfriend did, she may have not been violent, but there were several occasions where she did things to him that he said no and she did it anyway. To me that relationship screams abuse, and just because the guy is not the brightest bulb, and is dependent doesn't make it ok.

    hongbinstaekwoon April 28, 2021 2:14 pm

    Okay I though the guy with the hat and her ex from the flashback were the same person somehow. Regardless of that, it still doesn't change that much in my answer. Did I ever say her relationship with Areum was healthy in general? Nope. I agree that what went on in their sex scenes was very dubious in terms of consent and I don't condone that. Having that out of the way;

    The only thing I said was that I don't agree with the point you were making about her saying what Areum should do better to be in a relationship with her was toxic. Expressing what you look for in a partner and leaving it up to said potential partner what they want to do with it is quite the opposite of toxic? This has nothing to do with double standards. I feel like, how you worded it is intentionally made it very black and white when it wasn't.

    For anything else I do agree. It's in now way a healthy relationship. But blaming Okjae for everything just seems too easy. She never manipulated anyone, so in that regard, yea. Areum might not have been that smart, but I don't really see how much clearer she should've been. And yes, honesty in that field actually did make her a better person than the hat dude. She was straight up about not officially dating but not sleeping with other people where hat guy was very intentionally vague and didnt actually want a relationship period. She never played any games.

    You're free to dislike her as a character, I just very much disagree in your initial reasoning and statements because they don't objectively hold up against each other.

    Medusation April 29, 2021 12:08 pm

    Regarding the guy with the hat I'm comparing him with Areum not her, she made those guidelines to date Areum but didn't have them with the guy with the hat, that's why I'm saying she has two different measures for both of them. She didn't knew the guy with the hat, all she did was have sex with him and assumed they were dating I'm comparing that specific situation with the last relationship that she has, where she does that and more and suddenly has different requirements, areum for all his faults (I said before he is not the brightest bulb) helped her getting out of that humilliating situation and showed that at least he cares for her.
    I liked her in the beggining, respected her for what she went through with her first bf, but somewhere along the story she turned insensitive to her partners emotions, which sometimes is a natural response to trauma, but still not the others party (Areum) fault.
    I'm not saying she is forced to be with someone that she doesn't like, but we must admit she is the person with power in that relationship and if it was up to her, he would be her eternal sex toy, for her to use and dismiss however she sees fit.
    I'm sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language, and I rest my case, I was sick of her in the webtoon and I'm even more sick talking about her now xD Peace

    straycat May 1, 2021 5:54 pm
    Regarding the guy with the hat I'm comparing him with Areum not her, she made those guidelines to date Areum but didn't have them with the guy with the hat, that's why I'm saying she has two different measures ... Medusation

    I totally agree with you not the mention the age difference. This dude is like freshmen or something in his early twenties maybe even like 19 whereas Okjae was late twenties. The way she treated him and the hat guy was too different. She cried and was upset when she learned the hat guy was doing but did the same to Aerum. She manipulates Aerum all the time. Never does anything he wants to do, forcing him to wear dresses, forcing him to do anal even insertion play which can be very dangerous, but not even returning the favor with a blowie. Only calling him when she wants and ignoring him usually, being embarassed to be with him when her friends alone. All their relationships only scream abuse and manupilation to me. Just because Okjae is a girl and Aerum is a boy, their relationship was only portrayed as femdom play. Not the mention the chapter where she was all like, you don’t look at things from my perspective, you don’t do anything for me, you only think about yourself. Like b*tch he was there when you wanted to f*ck him, he helped you with your friends problems, he was supportive with the hat guy. What did you do for him except insult his way of living, breaking his arm and raping him. I mean she was like a very cool character with a nice kink in the beginning but then she just turned to this cold emotionless abusive piece of shit.

    Medusation May 2, 2021 1:04 am
    I totally agree with you not the mention the age difference. This dude is like freshmen or something in his early twenties maybe even like 19 whereas Okjae was late twenties. The way she treated him and the hat... straycat

    I agree with everything you said, as human beings we're all a bit selfish, however she has a severe lack of empathy and is the type of person that only wil be happy if her partner is completely dominated by her in every way just because she had a bad relationship before. She is doing the same to others that was done to her. About the other girls they aknowledged somewhat their faults and didn't stress me out like Okjae did, by the end I just wasn't invested in the story, the autor added some drama just because (time out and the fake burglars fantastic plan), so I was just out of patience for everyone xD

Medusation April 23, 2021 3:55 am

Conversation from the future:
''Mommy where do babies come from?''
''I can tell where you came from my marvelous child, it all started in a marvelous summer's evening when your father very marvelously raped me...''

Medusation April 18, 2021 4:03 am

She stole. The end. If he's rich he can spend his money with anyone he wants, if she's comparing herself with the other women in his past to get his money then yes she is sleeping with someone expecting compensation. Its not his job to pay for her family's expences and she assumed that for being his secretary and sleeping with him once, that she was allowed to take his money without consent. I think this is the first harlequin I read where the Fl is worse than the ML.

Medusation April 17, 2021 8:37 pm

So he blackmailed her because she said no, what a valid reason! The brother is a pimp and the ML was a manipulative asshole, who used her father's health and her brother's sexual orientation to force her to have sex with him, prime male material right there. Imagine that she had a brain and didn't like him, he would have done the same... That's harlequin consent folks

    SayerSong June 4, 2021 9:28 pm

    Harlequin. Where Obsession, Rape, Abuse, Blackmail and Manipulation are considered "romantic" relationship goals. (︶︿︶)=凸

Medusation August 25, 2020 10:19 pm

''Oh everyone's hurting but me!'' ... and this is why I told you to get a cat, all of them screwed you over and somehow you think they are the victims. Next step, cat.

Medusation July 23, 2020 10:08 pm

Oh no! Our relationship is too good and the sex is so awesome that Im addicted! Let me avoid my boyfriend and make ourselves miserable... What a good plan.

    peachmacaron July 23, 2020 10:17 pm

    This is exactly what I came to comment! How could the uke not know that his behavior would make his partner anxious, it's really common sense...

    Medusation July 23, 2020 10:24 pm

    And he still wonders if they're in a rut!! Hello you were the one that started the hole thing you don't get to be hurt, if I were the seme I wouldn't be so forgiving when he pushed him and he fell, he should've left his ass alone in the hotel room!

Medusation June 21, 2020 8:13 pm

Girl stay single, get a cat. Everlasting happiness guaranteed.

    Didie July 4, 2020 4:15 pm

    Best comments ever

    Didie July 4, 2020 4:16 pm
    Best comments ever Didie


    Medusation July 4, 2020 9:31 pm

    Thanks, the likes were a surprise for me, but I honestly think this is a good(the best) plan for her xD

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