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Jams July 20, 2023 3:46 pm

To anyone who say the uke is dumb, he rlly isn't. It's very hard to leave a toxic relationship more than you think so, while of course he's "dumb" for still liking the guy who's literally abusive to him, but we can't really blame him. That's just how his mind work. Some people are just raised differently and or have issues. People like him exist irl, and it's very sad. They know I.e person is abusive, but they have beliefs that they will change even though they won't.

Nobody is literally trying to make uke see into that light, he's tolerating all this violence because nobody is literally here to advice him. No one else treating him right.

    ^_^ July 20, 2023 9:01 pm

    Exactly like I really hate how ppl on here are hating on haewon when he's clearly a victim and it's sad to see how instead of hating the actual abuser they're instead victim blaming saying stuff like how he's "dumb" for dealing with this and why doesn't he just leave. When that's easier said than done especially in his situation. Also it's very clear that even if he tries to leave they're not gonna let him. not taegyeom and especially not haeyoung like hyunwoo might but if those two aren't letting him then like yk damn well hws not going to do much in helping the haewon escape from them

    AnonymousQ July 21, 2023 2:24 pm

    Seriously. Like there are some Uke’s that do bring it upon themselves to an extent but this is not one of those times; the author actually did a really good job of portraying a long-term abuse victims mindset. People who grew up in healthy homes/environments can’t understand because it seems inherent but all the standards, principles and your view of the world are greatly influenced by the things you see and experience during your formative years (and that’s good for them, it’s not something you want to understand). Abuse and neglect, etc gets normalized and abusers can pick up in that vulnerability and exploit it.

    Even though I personally did not normalize the physical abuse from my childhood, there were all kinds of things I thought were normal, that I didn’t find out were actually messed up until I went to therapy. The uke doesn’t have anyone to do that for him, even the “nice guy” is barely admonishing them.

    babyblue July 27, 2023 7:38 am

    fr my heart goes for him

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