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Protect the city with that fist! Bad high school student, the legend of heroes fighting cherry bloss...

  • Author: Nii satoru
  • Genres: Shounen / Action / Comedy

very good rep for issues teens actually face like sudden outbursts, heavy emotions, gender identity, sexuality and passions, figuring out the sort of person you want to be. At some points it actually made me cry, but maybe its just because I am hormonal at the moment. Still, the moments touching topics like suicidal ideation and lonelieness really hit. The author knows whats up. And the pure moments of friendship for Sakura, who has never had that before also bring tears to my eyes. I love the guy who likes crossdressing, he is so fucking cool I can not even start on that or I will never stop talking about him. We have representation for a lot of things other authors would avoid like the plague, and that makes this manga so natural and fun to read. I love this with all my heart.