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Solarisa666's experience ( All 0 )

Solarisa666's answer ( All 1 )

I'm 33 years old, Mexican living in Sweden, and I love yaoi and shounen ai! My husband is Swedish, and though I can't say he likes yaoi, he totally accepts and is happy with my hobby (though sometimes he wonders why I married him given that I love BL! (● ̄(エ) ̄●) ). But I don't complain: he sometimes gives me money to buy yaoi manga and has......   3 reply
04 01,2018

Solarisa666's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did going to concerts

- catfish and the bottlemen
- omar apollo
- txt (2x!!)

1 hours
want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

11 hours
want to do applying edging to your life


1 days