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madd created a topic of For Your Love

Ngl, the no-hugs thing hurt me in the depths of my soul.
Mugyeong is not doing enough to ease his worries, and the no-touching will make it all worse. And he's worried about cologne getting in his clothes, which he bought as a GIFT for Yohan when he could easily pass it off as his own or just have told Yohan to stop wearing it. Honestly, now I'm low-key concerned. I'm not even a jealous person, but the idea of an SO getting tired or distant from me is my worst nightmare. Yuki is the devil in Yohan's ear. And Yohan is obviously right because WHO THE HECK CALLS AT ASS O' CLOCK TO GO SEE A MOVIE? THAT COULD'VE BEEN A TEXT.

Poor Yohan. I usually hate the person who gets jealous in this trope, but I feel bad for him this time. Especially since he's demisexual, so these feelings are probably more intense. :(