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ama created a topic of Drugless Sex 2

found the authors twt and she posted a couple pages from volume 3, vol 2 and 3 have already been released but i'm not sure where to purchasei just want to read about their adult life so bad

ama created a topic of Make Me Bark

i understand that the flatter colouring style of sagold's newer works allows for efficiency but i absolutely love the rendering and painting detail in this manhwa especially with their bodies lol it looks so nice

ama created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

highkey we need more yaoi where the top enjoys nipple play too

ama created a topic of Rumspringa no Joukei

i'm rereading this and chloe's character made me so sad & something many young women can resonate with. shes trapped herself in a cage because of danny, even stating that love is a "wonderful" curse. she threw away her hopes and dreams in manhattan to settle down and she seems regretful talking about her decision to live in the amish community until she dies. its bittersweet because ultimately she may have felt like the amish lifestyle was her life's purpose, but she barely got to live out her dreams in the outside world before danny proposed. the panel where her hair flowed freely was very impactful

ama created a topic of Our Sunny Days

the progression of their relationship has been so refreshing to read it feels so natural<3

ama created a topic of Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru


ama created a topic of Semantic Error

sangwoo is so real for being willing to take any measures possible to see jaehyung dressed as a hot pirate