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Ten count that shi was my roman empire till this day
Aura followed question about thank yaoi for existing

Well-, to be honest, My first Yaoi/BL manga is Peach Love

4 days
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What he's doing ain't even that deep for real, anybody who hates him is a big back
Aura followed a goer

Hello I like bl and shoujo!

17 days
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So for a manga it'd be under 150 ratings and manhwas would be under 200 given that they're more popular. I hear people say a story is underrated basically because it's not talked about but it'd have like 600 ratings so clearly there's some attention given to the story, and even stories with like 300 ratings I still see people acknowledge so I'm try......

17 days
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Why would you use your great powers to spread evil? Seriously though that’s so well done
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Mpreg poem is crazy nah but fr tho you should seriously pursue this as a career
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is this reference to "Codename Anastasia" this is literally that manhwas comment section is like
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tf u yapping ab modesty on a gay porn site go to church bitch
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Did you type this WHILE masturbating as well?? Are you okay down there??? How tf has it not set aflame??
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Unrelated to the site but rl, normalizing living with your parents esp, if you're asian or just trying to save money bc university is expensive. Like gawd, I couldn't count the amount of times I've mentioned my age and someone would shame me for living with my parents. Like goddamn, sorry for having a healthy relationship with my parents that i did......
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the questions on this site now feel like a bot churning out the same fucking questions like yall fr lack creativity................smh
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i really hate these guys where they just randomly asks for a site on where to read bl stuff's or like that then a random stupid person just says the whole az name of the site when it's literally not meant to be told like bro, do you want the site to get taken down??? because imagine, your favorite site got taken down because of dumbazes, and what......
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As someone who reads almost all genres including straight romance and action and BL. But predominantly reads BL, for me I think it’s just being unable to see guy on guy romance irl. We see straight couples everywhere out and about and we hear about it constantly. But I or the rest of the BL community look for something that’s more rare? Idk how......
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I read bl cuz I like seeing guys getting fucked, that’s all
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When I'm really stuck, I try a change of pace that requires me to move around like a cup of tea/drink of choice or I'll sometimes literally step outside and touch some grass lol. Then I tell myself that once I have finished this thing I'm doing, I'm switching gears when I come back. Idk, works for me when I've got a deadline looming.