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sillygoose October 3, 2023 11:03 pm

I can not remember if it's a side story or not, but I do know what it's about. There are two brothers (decent age gap) the older one (black hair) finds out hes adopted when hes young. I remember his adoptive mom got mad at him for snooping but he just wanted to show his test score, and the only reason she knew he was there was because his younger "brother" asks him to open either milk or juice. anyways, when they get older they both have feelings for each other and the younger one finds the older ones adoption papers in his stuff. He was in there because he was trying to find something and decided to take a peek at his study notes, the older is off at college so his room is in boxes. Later the older flys in to surprise the younger for his birthday, the younger falls asleep during the movie and the older sneaks off to...well...yk. The younger goes to find him and hears him calling his name. I remember more but I think this information should be enough to get the title. Thank you! anything helps!!

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