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Well, I do understand the anxiety he must be feeling. He didn't know it was his sister, then a last text that he's in Taiwan, then being MIA lol. His poor heart must be twitching

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Zero Day Attack

omfgoose I can't wait this long anymoreeeee they need to meet ASAP

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Gig of the Day

Omg I'm fucking blushing down to my butthole.
โ„(โ„ โ„ยทโ„ฯ‰โ„ยทโ„ โ„)โ„

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Fake Romance

Team lead better go back fo his own space. He's successful enough to be that insecure over a college kid, right? Why is he being such an asshole tho.

Juha is also starting to piss me off. Bruh can call his bf to pick him up instead of having someone send him at his house. Weeeelllllll I'm an overthinker so if I were in the position of Juha's lover and it's pouring mad outside and he wouldn't reply, I'd assume he's dead or what.

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Zero Day Attack

Fuck my life for being tempted by 2 updates. Look where I'm at I WANNA KNOW WHAT'S NEXTTTTTTTTTT

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Red Candy

Dude I came back to read the latest updates but I forgot what happened here. I jut remember how much 2nd lead syndrome I had to get over with


coconutfujoshi created a topic of A Wish's Conclusion


Bruh is so chill

But why am I here tho. I was so sure I was reading Profundis lolol.

coconutfujoshi created a topic of 1 to 10

The seme is refreshing bruuuh. The look is far different from what I've seen lately.

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Turning

Omg this is beautiful the story is refreshing huhu. This is definitely a slow burn but I'm willing to wait and suffer.

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Vanilla Taste

I'm on chapter 39 and I got really freaking frustrated and tired of the ML so I stopped. Can someone spoil me about the story. Hajoon is really starting to rub me in the wrong belly

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Truth or Dare

It takes a genius to write this.

It's just an opinion but the ending felt rushed. And I think we deserve to see Jinsol taste his own medicine when it comes to Saegye. Not just in the author's notes.

I'm overwhelmed by the story and I'm not sure what to feel after. This is a plot that's hard to execute, and I know for sure the author is fucking amazing.

But I still feel so so after reading.

Team Han tho! My worst enemy is the 2nd lead syndrome and even if it's not intended with he characters, I STILL FELT IT

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Cry Me a River

Fuck they are both so beautiful I'm usually more whipped for ukes but this time is different. Jitae looks so divine

But i think my weak heart will not be able to take the next chapters โ•ฅ๏นโ•ฅ when hajoon said, mi eum's dad kidnapped jitae, I almost stopped reading.

coconutfujoshi created a topic of Payback