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Xanna August 24, 2023 4:36 pm

People hating in the comments shut tf up, I think we all know how fucked this series is. So what life is fucked up and this series is good. A lot of time, effort and talent has been put in to this. If you have a problem with the series drop it don’t go to the comments and cry like a baby. Everyone has their preferences I’m not trying to shit on yours so don’t shit on mine, k

    Silent Lucidity August 24, 2023 5:13 pm

    Don't take the comment sect or this manhwa seriously. If you take a step back, you'll see that both are ridiculous and hilarious at the same time

    かびおん August 26, 2023 11:42 pm

    Sorry we don’t like when rape is glorified. Stop being a fucking weirdo and go to therapy instead of getting off on rape

    toilet terrorist August 27, 2023 12:29 am

    LMAO THIS COMMENT IS IRONIC "we all know how fucked up this series what....this series is good" people have the right to complain, dont take the comments so seriously if its gonna get to you like this. In fact, just dont look at them

    Tmsmyz August 27, 2023 1:15 am
    Sorry we don’t like when rape is glorified. Stop being a fucking weirdo and go to therapy instead of getting off on rape かびおん

    There is no rape. No one is glorified anything.
    Take your own advice because your hate isn’t normal. You are talking about yourself there pal.

    You need to understand fantasy vs reality.
    Those fantasizing about rape are being healthy and normal. Your comments are not.

    Human sexuality experts emphatically state that rape fantasy is not wrong, but healthy and normal.

    As you can see, forced sex fantasies have a rich psychology behind them and people may have these fantasies for wildly different reasons. In many cases, these fantasies don’t have a deeper meaning beyond someone just having an active imagination, a desire for sexual thrills, or a penchant for domination and submission. However, in other cases, they may have their roots in coping with trauma.

    In real-life contexts, rape – meaning sex against your will – is deeply traumatising. It’s not at all ‘sexy’. It’s an intense violation that causes high levels of distress.

    And it’s incredibly important to note that while rape fantasies are common, this does not mean that women secretly want to be raped. There is a huge difference between acted out role-play, imagined scenarios, and real-life experiences. No one asks to be raped, no one deserves to be raped, and how common forced sex fantasies are in no way justifies unwanted sexual contact of any nature.

    After research on the subject, psychologists and sexologists agree today that those fantasies are very common, completely healthy, and reveal a core element in female eroticism.
    First of all, there is an important distinction between such fantasies and an actual rape experience. In no way does having the fantasy imply a desire to be raped in real life. Psychologist Michael Castleman, in his article Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies? on Psychology Today, dismisses as obsolete the view that fantasies always reflect wishes. Therefore, women who have rape fantasies do not actually want to be coerced into sex.

    It’s a fantasy. Not reality. You would do best to stop confusion the two.

    Tmsmyz August 27, 2023 1:25 am
    There is no rape. No one is glorified anything. Take your own advice because your hate isn’t normal. You are talking about yourself there pal. You need to understand fantasy vs reality. Those fantasizing ab... Tmsmyz

    This is a mangago glitch. Idk.

    Tmsmyz August 27, 2023 1:25 am
    This is a mangago glitch. Idk. Tmsmyz

    Never mind. I see what happened

    Tmsmyz August 27, 2023 1:29 am

    To toilet. People can complain. People are not free to hate and attack others. This comment isn’t ironic. Good golly miss Molly. Then you go to control them. They are free to voice their opinions. They are talking about hate not complaining. You don’t have the right to control others actions.

    What is ironic is you say people have the right to complain. Then you act like they don’t have the right to complain. You call it “so seriously” and then you try to control them by not participating in the comments because you don’t like what they said.
    Stop cutting down real conversations. They have the right to complain. You are wrong to cut communication down and telling them they are being to seriously to not look. How about you take your own advice. You only spread hate and cut down the real conversations from the genuine readers.

    Silent Lucidity August 27, 2023 4:23 am
    LMAO THIS COMMENT IS IRONIC "we all know how fucked up this series what....this series is good" people have the right to complain, dont take the comments so seriously if its gonna get to you like this.... toilet terrorist

    Ironic that you only admonished the OP, and not the commenter above you who did EXACTLY what you called out- they took a comment so seriously, it got them like THAT. To be fair, it has to work both ways, yeah?

    toilet terrorist August 27, 2023 11:29 am
    Ironic that you only admonished the OP, and not the commenter above you who did EXACTLY what you called out- they took a comment so seriously, it got them like THAT. To be fair, it has to work both ways, yeah? Silent Lucidity

    I was speaking in general, the commenter above me applied to what i as saying as well but i wasnt gonna waste my time paying attention to another person. My bad lol

    Manhwaspicy August 27, 2023 4:04 pm
    LMAO THIS COMMENT IS IRONIC "we all know how fucked up this series what....this series is good" people have the right to complain, dont take the comments so seriously if its gonna get to you like this.... toilet terrorist

    Another comment of yours that proves you're a hater. Yes indeed, you have the right to complain, very true but what isn't allowed is HATE. You aren't allowed to hate a book when there is a warning ahead. Don't come here to insult the plot or say and joke about things about the book. Read and complain peacefully, that’s what’s necessary, not the hate you're obsessed with.

    Silent Lucidity August 27, 2023 4:50 pm
    Another comment of yours that proves you're a hater. Yes indeed, you have the right to complain, very true but what isn't allowed is HATE. You aren't allowed to hate a book when there is a warning ahead. Don't ... Manhwaspicy

    "You aren't allowed to hate a book.." Uh, no. ANYONE is allowed to hate a book and still keep reading and commenting on it. People also allowed to insult plot, characters, or joke about things in the book. It's fiction, right? What's not cool (and against mangago TOS) are personal attacks on other commenters, which I see a couple of previously bad actors beginning to ease up on. We should encourage that more.

    Conversely, people are allowed to enjoy twisted and dark stories, as well as enjoy the plot and characters. These same people also joke about things in the book

    toilet terrorist August 27, 2023 4:54 pm
    Another comment of yours that proves you're a hater. Yes indeed, you have the right to complain, very true but what isn't allowed is HATE. You aren't allowed to hate a book when there is a warning ahead. Don't ... Manhwaspicy

    There wasnt really a warning as much as any other material that contains sexual content, violence or whatever themes. Its not sufficient enough to evaluate a man/ga/hwa/hua which is why authors should put personal warnings, if they dont they are liable to justified criticisim because we couldn't expect the content they provided. I think what you classify as hate can also be interpreted as criticism rooted FROM hatred of whatever the person is displeased about. Its not the same as actively hating because haters are never satisfied. When someone critiques a work negatively they still leave room for change because they know its something fixable. What im confused on is if the OP interprets jokes and or citicism as active hate. I dont think active hatred is acceptable in this situation at all and i apologise if i ever said anything abusive towards the creator from a point of malice but neither do i think that mingwa making an abuser to love troupe again with exaggerated characters and only pretty art is acceptable either.

    toilet terrorist August 27, 2023 4:57 pm
    There wasnt really a warning as much as any other material that contains sexual content, violence or whatever themes. Its not sufficient enough to evaluate a man/ga/hwa/hua which is why authors should put perso... toilet terrorist

    TLDR: People are allowed to criticise and joke about this if they want to but i dont think active hate or attacks are ok

    Manhwaspicy August 27, 2023 6:16 pm
    "You aren't allowed to hate a book.." Uh, no. ANYONE is allowed to hate a book and still keep reading and commenting on it. People also allowed to insult plot, characters, or joke about things in the book. It's... Silent Lucidity

    I get your point and we’re both resulting in the same thing but I didn't quite put my comment well.

    Don't you think it's senseless to hate a book when it isn't even harming anything? Yes, you have the right to joke and hate but I feel it's quite unnecessary and ridiculous to come here to announce how much you hate the book when there’s already been a warning. They literally put the warning in each chapter(if you read from the official site though).

    Hate can never be acceptable when the jokes and insults are harming the author, or reducing the author’s chances of succeeding. Anyone who isn't comfortable should leave peacefully. Not everyone's preferences are the same, Correct, but those haters can't come here and mock the book for existing, and people for their preferences.

    Hate is cyberbullying and should be alleviated from the internet.

    Like you said, it's just fiction, right? So why hate?

    It's just fiction and the Unnecessary hate might be affecting the author. Hate should never be allowed, dear. Fr
    Even you won't like it if people are hating on your book. Let's be ffr.

    Tmsmyz August 27, 2023 6:34 pm
    I get your point and we’re both resulting in the same thing but I didn't quite put my comment well. Don't you think it's senseless to hate a book when it isn't even harming anything? Yes, you have the right t... Manhwaspicy

    Hate a character. Hate the plot. Hate the art. Sure whatever.

    But the hate on other people is ridiculous. Two of them has told me to commit suicide three times from their assumptions on me liking this story or JK or something. I have been called many hideous things. This is worst than high school. Most of them are just teenagers.

    Manhwaspicy August 27, 2023 6:40 pm
    Hate a character. Hate the plot. Hate the art. Sure whatever. But the hate on other people is ridiculous. Two of them has told me to commit suicide three times from their assumptions on me liking this story or ... Tmsmyz

    So many people hating and calling Jk a rapist but what they do not know is that they're even worse than him.

    I hope those insults aren't affecting you though:( It's quite sad.

    Silent Lucidity August 28, 2023 1:06 am
    I get your point and we’re both resulting in the same thing but I didn't quite put my comment well. Don't you think it's senseless to hate a book when it isn't even harming anything? Yes, you have the right t... Manhwaspicy

    Senseless? Sure. Ridiculousness all-around? Absolutely.

    I actually am a writer and have learned to accept, yeah, some people are going to hate and mock your work. It sucks, but that's the risk you take in putting your stuff out there (same thing for artists). It takes guts to do that, and even more strength to withstand the inevitable barbs. It's really nice to see people wanting to protect and support the author (at their legitimate sites, of course). In fact, that REALLY helps them, so I encourage that.

    Simply put, people are free to come here and hate on this, just like the rest of us are free to enjoy it. I know you and Tmsmyz mean well, but you’re not going to change the minds of those who come here and spout-off ad nauseum about how AWFUL this manhwa is, and how AWFUL the people are who enjoy it. By engaging the same ones over and over, you invite them to keep responding, turning this into a game of “who's gonna get the last word”. As long as no one is engaging in personal abusive attacks (which can and should be reported with proof), let them blow off steam. Some people understandably find the content disturbing and feel like they need to have their say.

    You ask a good question: why hate? Some have answered it, though not always in a way you like. Continue your quest to remove hate from the world. It’s a noble cause, but it also means you have to have listen and understand the underlying cause for WHY they’re hating in order to have any kind of meaningful discussion. When I was younger (and stupider) I was under a nasty attack for *cough* vigorously defending another questionable BL character. On a whim, I sent that person a personal message, simply asking if everything was all right and if were they ok, and HOLY COW! they were NOT ok. Surprised me, but it taught me that you never know what's really going on behind an anonymous name. Yes, it can be a bored troll, or it could be someone going through difficulties that triggers them to strike out at the easiest target.

    Attempting to de-escalate a hot situation makes it easy to spot opportunistic trolls vs someone that honestly has issues with the manhwa. They just want to be heard, not simply shooed off.

    Silent Lucidity August 28, 2023 1:19 am
    Hate a character. Hate the plot. Hate the art. Sure whatever. But the hate on other people is ridiculous. Two of them has told me to commit suicide three times from their assumptions on me liking this story or ... Tmsmyz

    I reported one of those comments. Unfortunately, they don't seem to do anything about it unless they receive reports from multiple people. I don't know if it'll do any good, but take screenshots of all the comments telling you to commit suicide and save them in a locked album on your page. Next time it happens, unlock the album and add the links of all the screenshots in the box they provide for your reason for reporting. Hopefully, that'll get them to ban them in some form (usually they'll take away their ability to make and reply to comments).

    toilet terrorist August 28, 2023 1:39 am

    Sorry that happened to you @Tmsmyz, i hope you know that even if i dont agree with you on things that its never ok for someone to say that to you. I understand how you've felt since I've gotten messages from people telling me they hoped I'd get raped, killed and so on. 100% telling someone to kts unacceptable over an internet arguement. You're still a person and you dont deserve to be told such horrible things.

    Manhwaspicy August 28, 2023 1:53 am
    Senseless? Sure. Ridiculousness all-around? Absolutely. I actually am a writer and have learned to accept, yeah, some people are going to hate and mock your work. It sucks, but that's the risk you take in putti... Silent Lucidity

    You're absolutely correct. Most of the reasons I hear about why people hate on this book are most likely unconventional. It's either they didn't read the book well, or they're cherry-picking. They aren't genuine readers is what I'm saying.

    Yes, you are allowed to hate but when it gets functional and active, that's when it's absolutely and entirely wrong(I mean when they start using foul words, or lying or spreading false rumors about the book) It's cyberbullying.

    You're correct, I can't stop them from their hate but calling them out could reduce it. This book was getting a lot of hate before, but it has even reduced because genuine readers began clarifying how the story is. The genuine readers called them out to expose their disgusting behaviors on the internet. Hate is hate and it can never be acceptable. You should know that as a writer.

    What I'm just trying to say is you can't just watch and allow a book to be hated when it doesn't deserve such treatment. It's the same way an individual is about to get bullied and you just walk by without calling for help just because they are allowed to get bullied?? That's strange.

    You do know hate can get this manhwa banned, right?

    I get your point honestly but you should in no way defend the people hating on this book just because they're free to do so.

    Silent Lucidity August 28, 2023 4:16 am
    You're absolutely correct. Most of the reasons I hear about why people hate on this book are most likely unconventional. It's either they didn't read the book well, or they're cherry-picking. They aren't genuin... Manhwaspicy

    You're anthropomorphizing a book. That's kind of interesting. That's a POV I've not come across before

Xanna June 15, 2021 6:48 pm

Holy sh*t I did not see that one coming I thought he was later back and like none sexual. I happy but so shocked, please tell me I wasn’t the only one shocked

Xanna January 14, 2021 5:52 pm

Bro I think he’s pregnant... (=・ω・=)

    yukanzai January 14, 2021 5:53 pm

    Aaaaaahhhh (˵ ° ʖ °˵)

    Darkie January 14, 2021 6:19 pm

    Another cute baby

Xanna September 30, 2020 7:01 pm

So this is how you marrie some one that you hate. Thank you for the instructions I will use them wisely.

    Angel October 2, 2020 12:44 am

    Huu i do hope you will never be in a situation where you'll need to follow them (OxO )

Xanna August 22, 2020 9:51 pm

I love how everyone is like “who the f is Lily” and totally ignoring the fact that the male leads sister wrote a gay love romance fan fiction of her brothers where the youngest is a bottom (and she makes money of it) lol

    TheChilliest August 23, 2020 4:32 am

    Yea that actually threw me a loop but I love it and am here for it...if her brothers knew they'd probably be pissed but it would be hilarious!!(⌒▽⌒)

    helvetica November 28, 2020 5:48 am

    The youngest isn’t the bottom since there are 2 others who are younger than Seiji

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