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Haha I'm liking so far can't wait to see more!

goatmama created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Caesar is loving the torment he's putting Leewon's father through.

goatmama created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Call 911 the fans are officially on fire this time!!!

goatmama created a topic of Our Sunny Days

(whistle) That heated up quick, someone anyone call the fire department to cool these cats down!!!

goatmama created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Sung Ho looked so good when doing the shooting game!!!

goatmama created a topic of Sugar Rain

What you couldn't snag him so your going to take it out on our sweetie pie!! I think not!

goatmama created a topic of Our Sunny Days

A real cluck blocker that one!!! I was looking forward to that kiss.

This was so cringe I wanted to die, maybe some people are into that not me. Don't want to read again.

Urrrgggg not a cliff hanger like this!!!

goatmama created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

Everyone dissing on Maxi but no one brings up how cute Maxi is getting mad at Riftan for bathing outside and how she's a little upset the ladies are seeing her hard body hottie!!!

So Theo is still an irresponsible idiot leaving others to handle his responsibilities.

goatmama created a topic of Kouguu no Omega

I can't get over how wonderful this story was, absolute perfection 10/10!!!

goatmama created a topic of Delivery Complete

Oh my gosh I know this story is focused on the smut but really did you have to make him that much of a himbo?

goatmama add manga to list Absolute faves


  • Author: Ayu ikemori
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance
goatmama created a topic of Love Shuttle

Honestly I liked the side story. Not every person is perfect people say and do things that hurt each other but they can always work on those problems together and be stronger for it.

goatmama created a topic of Two Souls

I didn't think of this until my second read through but Suyoung will become the dowager empress

goatmama created a topic of Jinx

I skipped reading like 5 chapters to avoid crap like this!

goatmama created a topic of Netsuno Ori

I think he was alive at the end but was was he truly living?

goatmama created a topic of My Damned XXX

Ahhh I love seeing all of his insecurities coming out one by one that sweet oblivious idiot will pull them out.