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Cffhdd January 25, 2024 5:40 pm

This is an infuriating manga. The way thr author glosses all over Allon's misdoings is actually so frustrating. The repeated violation of trust and exploitation of Nox is honestly hard to read. Nox should have ended up with neither of the mls. The emotional abuse, and I want to stress the abuse, Allon put Nox through is never addressed in an acceptable manner. We're not taking about a little mishap and understanding for the greater good (don't get me strated on how it is absolute Bullshit to think the good for the people is to install another absolute Monarchy with the capability to oppress it's people). This is about literal years upon years of abuse. The abuse started in thr academy dragging all throughout thr war and most of the plot. This relationship is doomed to failure because it is signaling that this type of behavior is just ok to Allon. Sooner or later he would repeat this sort of behavior because Nox doesn't condemn his abuse. This is a classical situation of someone having experienced abuse all their lives being thirsty for the tiny bit of attention and affection they receive even if it's from their abuser. Every time Allon was nice to Nox while under the curse was essentially emotional manipulation. Allon is a disgusting character and I am not saying writing about this situations is bad but the lack of acknowledgment of this in the hr story is shocking and disgusting. The ending is absolute Bullshit and condoning abuse in a relationship.

Again this is garbage. It makes me sick. Just because it's a colorful BL doesn't make these things okay. Abuse is abuse, it's not hot all of the sudden just because it's in a homosexuel relationship.

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