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Sumizuki created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

Im guessing this would take another 50 chapters or more to resolve the problem huh

Sumizuki created a topic of Dirty XX

Ew did he just lick someone else's blood?

Also keep up the goodwork translator just comprehend what they were trying to say and it will have a good dialogue. Also if youre struggling in english grammarly can help

Sumizuki created a topic of Silent Lover
Sumizuki created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

I just hope the ending is not halfassed like pearl boy

Sumizuki created a topic of Cry Me a River

Feels like he knows the uke from childhood idk

Sumizuki created a topic of Limited Run
Sumizuki created a topic of Jinx

Uh oh I hope this wont be a double upload situation

Sumizuki created a topic of Liveta

Uke got ukefied in appearance

Sumizuki created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Yow I like this very much and theirr personality is not boring. They have emotion i tell ya

Sumizuki created a topic of Jinx

Idk how they would have a happy ending now. Please Doc Dan just run

Sumizuki created a topic of Cry Me a River

Omg this guy is such a perv im blushing
-mbating while getting his hair washed
-Getting turned on by the uke's crying face w/
snot while sucking him off.
-using uke's feet to jerk off
And the best of all is when he was smelling the c*m filled pants of the uke while they jerk of together

Sumizuki created a topic of The Origin of Species

Hope this ends soon. Just wanna see the baby and how happy they are. No more drama please

Sumizuki created a topic of 99.99% Lovers

Rough start almost dropped but I see a huge character development even if he doesnt understand it himself. As long as the uke reasonably forgive this seme for what he have done then im okay with it.

I dont think theres a happy ending between the uke and the emperor

Sumizuki created a topic of Payback
Sumizuki created a topic of Liveta
Sumizuki created a topic of Saturday's Master

Bro something like that should be talked out with the partner. Its not like he knows what youre into instantlt and wheres the safeword its all one sided. Also asking hin what made him cry shows why hes a boss. I mean my boss is also an asshole but he didnt know

Sumizuki created a topic of Night Song

I didnt expect this manhwa to be romantic tho

Sumizuki created a topic of Cry Me a River