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Goddess of Death November 29, 2023 7:50 pm

If I am going to give my honest opinion. I would say I am quite not satisfied at the ending. I actually was expecting kids from the Ml and the Fl, like you know a silver and blue haired kids but it didn't happen . Overall, the story is really good, I actually tried to predict the flow of the story and I failed a couple of times but some of my prediction was right. Some readers says that the story is bad because the Fl choose the Ml even though he did a lot of bad things to her, like killed her father, her kid and even killed her but if you really just understand the flow you will find your self understanding the grudge of the Ml in the first few chapters. I know some of the readers are not satisfied with the flow because the Fl still falls in love with the Ml after turning back in the past, but if I put myself on her shoes I will still do the same things as the Fl does. As what hulk said "If you turn back in the past, your future will be your past and the current present will be your future" so technically if you really understand the message behind it you will understand the decision of the Fl. And yes the red haired is really good love candidate but he's way to honest, so thet won't fit each other. Anyway that's all for my opinion and please do read this manga and understand the flow because the story is really awesome

    helvetica December 25, 2023 11:17 pm

    Bro, he was mad and hated mc because he was jealous and got mad that HER mother(not his$) chose to save her instead of him. Like, idfc how bad of a childhood he had. That is the pettiest reason. Also, he also raped her and trashed not only her life, but also made Jiun’s life miserable after mc died. Like, he is actually a horrible person. The only reason he changed is because mc did things differently and he found out about his past life. If not for that, he would still be the same scum of the first life. I can’t say I want someone like that to end with someone like mc.

    Honestly, if they hadn’t done so many chapters at the beginning about the mc’s past life, I wouldn’t have been this angry at the crown prince. I’ve read other stories where the ml is an asshole in the past life or even in the current life. However, the authors only give small bits every so often, so you don’t hate him fully. Like, the ML in this is introduced like a villain, with all the bad shit he did to her just in your face from the beginning. This isn’t the “I was killed by him in my previous life” short mention. It was a “this is every time he hurt me and tortured me mentally and physically. He also was the reason for my death and my family’s death.” It was way too in depth for the start of the story. Middle of the story explanation, sure, but not in the beginning/so in depth. Also, I like any redemption arc ml, but at least the mls in other manhwas ARENT FUCKING RAPISTS. Like, there’s a lot I’ll forgive, but the shit he does to mentally and physically traumatize her, I fucking deplore him.

    I don’t know what flow you saw from the story exactly, but the choice to show these things so early on is a HORRIBLE decision if you wanted him to be the ml from the beginning.

    I probably won’t change your mind, but sorry I needed to get this off my chest. I remember reading this story when it first came out and I never felt more fucking betrayed.

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