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Lemonsugaru followed a list
26 01,2024
Lemonsugaru created a topic of Farming for Love

The first couple were cute but kinda mid which is fine but the second like what the hell? The first too were really consensual and sweet (if you slightly excuse the very beginning of their first time) but even tho yohan was a dick he did not deserve to be violently raped like that. It actually upset me bc the comments said they were hot, guess I should have known better than to think that yaoi readers would find rape disturbing.

Lemonsugaru created a topic of Pfeos

I decided to read this bc someone said there was no rape but there is at ch10 so I dropped it. This is just a warning for those who don’t want to read that.

Lemonsugaru followed a list
14 01,2024
Lemonsugaru followed a list
12 01,2024
Lemonsugaru followed a list
12 01,2024
Lemonsugaru followed a list
Lemonsugaru followed a list
Lemonsugaru followed a list
Lemonsugaru followed a list
Lemonsugaru followed a list